6.5 Grendel Reloaders????

Yep, this is just part of the reason to always get a matching headspaced bolt with your barrel for your AR. My Grendel has a matching bolt that came with the barrel and they were already gauged and properly headspaced to each other.
I didn't and I know part of my problem with my Grendel build, when I sourced the new barrel and bcg separately. But, I'm working through my problems ;)
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I didn't and I know part of my problem with my Grendel build, when I sourced the new barrel and bcg separately. But, I working through my problems ;)
That being said, my .300 BLK and my M4 (14.5") were built from non-matched sets, and they're both extremely accurate. High-quality AR parts from reputable companies (like Rainier Arms) makes a HUGE difference as well...But you'll notice the price difference in your wallet, but the cost of accuracy and quality is rarely cheap.

The .300 BLK is a frankenstein rifle, I built it with a Rainier Arms barrel, handguard, and bolt, but an old Spikes Tactical upper and bolt carrier (missing the bolt) that I had sitting around. Sucker shoots though! Gotta give it that! I'm guessing since the bolt itself and the barrel are both Rainier Arms they're both milled and chamber-bored to close enough tolerances that despite not being a "matched-set", that accuracy fluctuation is virtually nil. I need to do more testing with handloads to see how good I can get some Berger 210's and 215 Hybrids.

My 14.5" M4 was built using ALL Rainier Arms parts, and it shoots (freehand and propped up on a Jeep spare tire) 1.5" groups at 100 using a 3x scope and cheap Tula 55gr ammo. Both me and my buddy were pretty surprised with that. I'm pretty sure it's got more in it if I propped it up on a sandbag, put on a proper scope, and used some of my Lake City XM193 ammo, or tailored some handloads to it using LC brass and Nosler 77gr CC's.
If I had to pick one powder it would be AR Comp. I have tried Leverevolution with bullets as heavy as 140 grains and got great accuracy at 2300 fps. I didn't get good results with CFE. I did get good overall accuracy and velocity with BLC-2 and if I couldn't get AR Comp I would buy BLC-2.
I have 2 loads I will share
My hunting
130 Berger ar
27.0 at comp
Fed gm205ar
Lee collet die 1 th crimp
Don't recall oal but it's max on mag oal
2400 FPS 20" single diget Es

123 lapua
27.5 benchmark
CCi 450
Lee collet die .5 crimp
Same on oal
In 5 Grendel's all shoot 1/2 moa or better
2481 FPS single diget Es
They were worked up for my Ar
They are both under 1/2 moa to a 1000y

Hope this helps you guys out.
I have been shooting the Grendel for at least 5 years and I get good results with CFE. I have had 5 shot clovers with it . It works great for bullets that are 120 and above and the Grendel loves 123's. There are a lot of people that use 8208 and it works well with lighter bullets. I would not use 8208 on bullets 120 and above, you go from no pressure signs to shearing bolts in a hurry. Too many people are fixated on getting velocity with this cartridge and IMO it isn't made for it. If it was your factory ammo would reflect it.
I'm not going to do ton of shooting with my Grende build. But I would like to find a decent shooting load for it.

My build is going to used for deer and hogs <175 yards. Grand kids mostly...the wife or I on a hog hunt.

Shooting a 18" barrel, bullets will be <125gr...

What powder is the best for this caliber?

I hope to load something that will shoot at least 1 MOA at 100yds.

Mostly need advice on powder, but would take some actual load data as well...bullets, powder charge and COL type info.

Benchmark has been the best powder for accuracy in my 6.5 Grendel. Best velocity has been CFE-223 and IMR8208xbr.
Hey Butter,

Benchmark is mentioned in Noslers load data...but at a very slow velocity.

What kind of speed are you getting?

What charge range?

Nice to know that about the ELD-M...hope to put one on a bone this weekend!

Benchmark give me right at 2550 fps with 123's from a 24" bbl. I used Sierra data in conjunction with Hornady 123 SST and ELDM bullets.
Finally got the 24" Grendel out this morning. We had massive down pour until 9am...range opens at 9:30am, so I had the entire place to myself for a while.

I was wanting to see how quick the 107's would run. I was using 29.8gr of Benchmark and had an averaget velocity of 2727fps. This is one of the first times I have seen enje tor marks from a load of mine.

It shot pretty good seeing how I still don't have over 100 rounds down the pipe.

I started at 200yds even though it was even bore sighted. After I got it zero I ran my average through the ballistic program and took off for the 400yd steel.

We had a 15mph wind that was quatering to us. My first shot missed the 8" steel plate at about 3 o'clock....shots 2 and 3 rang, but number 4 missed.

That load held MOA all the way to 400yds. I was pleased!
Finally got the 24" Grendel out this morning. We had massive down pour until 9am...range opens at 9:30am, so I had the entire place to myself for a while.

I was wanting to see how quick the 107's would run. I was using 29.8gr of Benchmark and had an averaget velocity of 2727fps. This is one of the first times I have seen enje tor marks from a load of mine.

It shot pretty good seeing how I still don't have over 100 rounds down the pipe.

I started at 200yds even though it was even bore sighted. After I got it zero I ran my average through the ballistic program and took off for the 400yd steel.

We had a 15mph wind that was quatering to us. My first shot missed the 8" steel plate at about 3 o'clock....shots 2 and 3 rang, but number 4 missed.

That load held MOA all the way to 400yds. I was pleased!

The Grendel is a very accurate cartridge, it just isn't designed to push 120 and up at a high velocity. too many push for speed and in the end they end up sharing off bolts. I have shot my 24" with 123 a-max out to 600 yds with ease I have a 18" BHW barrel that I am still trying to come up with a viable load for. So far with that one the 100 gr amax is the best.
I'm .8 grains over max according to Hodgdon's web site. They list the pressures at 49k, so I felt I would be ok. That's quite a bit below the 55k max for the platform.

My signs of pressure on the case head looked about normal for factory Hornady loaded ammo. Which I think is a little hot, but apparently not enough to tear up people's weapons. I hate to back out of the load. The SD and ES were both great! The load right below it had good SD and ES but I don't recall the velocity off the top of my head.

I will have to take a peak at the notes for the day.
Time to revive this thread. I'm running a howa mini which has taken a lot if stock and trigger work. But in running 123 eldms and now moving on to the 130 Berger's this little rifle shows promise of being very accurate. I'm still looking for a low sd load with 2520 and h322 shot insane but I gave up a little more velocity than I wanted to. This was a ladder with h322 at 300.


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That's a sweet shooting rifle!

A bolt 6.5 Grendel is really like a totally different animal compared to a gas Grendel. I see a bunch of guys talk about working with seating depth in AR platform rifles. I never mess with it. The mag limits max COAL. What good is a long loaded round if it has to be fed as a single shot.

I've seen many post on another site where they complain about throat length. But as Terry said the Grendel was really designed to use the lighter 6.5 bullets. I've wondered how many of those short throated barrel were really someone trying to stuff a long bullet into the AR platform.

Quite a few of the powders upper loads are compressed. I assume H335 is one that leaves a bit of room in the case. A buddy and I have talked about getting a bolt Grendel. Should be able to get the most out of the little cartridge.

It's plenty impressive out of a gas gun!
I got a faxon light weight gunner bbl, and it shoots almost as well as the heavy Hbar. So for a potential hunting rifle (if PA ever gets their act together) that balances well and doesn't weigh a ton for offhand shots, I'm very pleased with their product.
I am waiting for the day Pa allows us to hunt big game with AR's. My 20" Odin barrel will be ready. I thought we had a shot a couple years ago, but we are limited to predators right now.
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