6.5 Grendel Reloaders????

I am waiting for the day Pa allows us to hunt big game with AR's. My 20" Odin barrel will be ready. I thought we had a shot a couple years ago, but we are limited to predators right now.
that whole thing was a scam by dictator wolf. the decision not to allow them was pre-ordained even before the so-called "vote". (much like the november election in PA was rigged) He wanted to make the point that semis are not "sporting" firearms so he can move to ban them during the next administration.
that whole thing was a scam by dictator wolf. the decision not to allow them was pre-ordained even before the so-called "vote". (much like the november election in PA was rigged) He wanted to make the point that semis are not "sporting" firearms so he can move to ban them during the next administration.
Very true! Very valid point.
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