6.5 Grendel barrel

20" 5R Melonite Barrel, ATN X-Sight HD. I run 123gr SST's for night time hog hunting. I get MOA or better with Hornady or Alexander brass. This thing is a blast but not exactly a back pack rifle. With the spare battery pack and IR illuminator it weighs a ton! That's what my "Little Mule" is for!
Keep shooting! Happy Holidays.
20" 5R Melonite Barrel, ATN X-Sight HD, 2.5lb single stage trigger. I run 123gr SST's for night time hog hunting. I get MOA or better with Hornady or Alexander brass. This thing is a blast but not exactly a back pack rifle. With the spare battery pack and IR illuminator it weighs a ton! That's what my "Little Mule" is for!
View attachment 159861 Keep shooting! Happy Holidays.
Thanks for the heads up Kmccord. Just received email they had the complete upper back in stock but I'm going to wait on a 18" and not a HB, that 20"er did cross my mind. Handguard easy fix, just throw some more money at it. Glad to here accuracy is on target.
20" 5R Melonite Barrel, ATN X-Sight HD. I run 123gr SST's for night time hog hunting. I get MOA or better with Hornady or Alexander brass. This thing is a blast but not exactly a back pack rifle. With the spare battery pack and IR illuminator it weighs a ton! That's what my "Little Mule" is for!
View attachment 159861 Keep shooting! Happy Holidays.

I hear ya about a rig with the ATN scope.

My wife won't even try to use it, even from a stand.

I know this is a 6.5 Grendel thread, but it is another BCA barrel that is a shooter with hand loads. 7.62x39 SS heavy contour...the Osprey gas system and right side charge add to the weight too.

i'm going to thread jack a tad here since there's a bunch of grendel shooters in here now. what mags is everyone running? i have a couple 15 round ASC's but i've been thinking of trying some 10 and 20 round 5.56 mags. i dont think you could fully load them, but i think they would work. just havent tried it yet.
i'm going to thread jack a tad here since there's a bunch of grendel shooters in here now. what mags is everyone running? i have a couple 15 round ASC's but i've been thinking of trying some 10 and 20 round 5.56 mags. i dont think you could fully load them, but i think they would work. just havent tried it yet.
I have been hunting this year with my Grendel using Elanders mags.
They have function flawlessly
i'm going to thread jack a tad here since there's a bunch of grendel shooters in here now. what mags is everyone running? i have a couple 15 round ASC's but i've been thinking of trying some 10 and 20 round 5.56 mags. i dont think you could fully load them, but i think they would work. just havent tried it yet.
C Products defense Mags are about the best for the 6.5 Gr. They will take a 2.30" round which is the longest i have found. most of the rest all function fine though.
Joe bob outfitters has the 5 & 10 round C-pd mags for $14.95 and the 26 rd for 21.95
P-mags: you can fit 7 rounds in a 20 round P and 10 rounds in a 30 round P.
Ahmend2 has been working on/ going to release some polymer 6.5 Grendel mags for a couple years but nothing yet
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I have been using ASC/AR-Stoner from Midway, they are the same. Never had a single problem. I have a couple Elander. The ASC allows me to load quite a bit longer than Elander mages do. I am running COAL 2.275 with Speer 120 Gold Dots in the ASC and the Elander will not allow this long a round. By the way the 120 Gold Dot is one AWESOME game bullet. I am running it with a bit more IMR 8208 that the Speer data list as max but is safe in my rifles. Oh! I have never tried any 223 mags with my Grendel's.
I run the 5 round 6.5 G AR Stoner mag with with both my Grendel and 7.62x39...both run sweet...never had a FTF.
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