6.5 Grendel barrel

I have a package from Odin Works I've had since the very beginning. It's an 18" heavy profile stainless 1:8 twist with Odin Works adjustable gas block, stainless gas tube and headspaced bolt with bolt carrier. I run it suppressed and my load dev gets me .4" groups. I originally ran 123 ELD-M's and now its strictly a varmint gun running 95 grain v-max. I am using PRI Modified mags to allow for longer COAL.

It is for sale here in the classifieds if anyone is interested. Haha.
How good are the groups your getting with it, and speed in a 24" barrel?
With my BCA SS 24" Grendel barrel shooting Sierra 107 it shoots sub MOA out to 400yds.

I follow many, many threads on the Grendel site and you can find plenty of guys having issues with other manufacturers barrels (short throat seems to be very common) but you don't see the piling on you do against BCA.

Has BCA had issues, sure but the one time I called them they responded immediately. In my case the problem was on my end so I didn't have to return the barrel. A bit too embarrassing to mention here but it could have happened in any rifle I own.

I have ask many of the guys on the Grendel site if they had tried to accurize or try to diagnose their accuracy issue. Of course all I get is crickets. I will say all of my barrels were installed by me and I did all the recommendated accuracy tricks that everyone uses with quality barrels.

Also I have used their side charge receivers with BCG without issue, my buddy who just got his 6.5 Grendel upper...bought the complete upper that was built on a side charge receiver.

The reason I mention this, is I believe BCA might have bought a bunch of junk receivers...so they had accuracy issues caused by that. So if someone had tried to diagnose their accuracy issue they might have found that to be the problem.

But in today's world, no.one wants to fix anything...just replace it!
Hey 762x51,
On my AR's I'm using Athlon entry level scopes. They are just as you describe a couple clicks and yhey are zero'd!

The Talos line is what 3 of my 4 AR Grendel's carry...they have etched glass (number one feature I look for)...turrets are covered, but finger friendly. They have nice reticles for hold over...don't think this level of scope would be reliable for dialing up shot...but I have at the range. They have been spot on out to 600yds at the range....well beyond the Grendel hunting range.

I use the Argo's FFP line for my smaller 6.5 rifles (3) that I use on long range steel. I trust this line to do some dial up and would hunting up to a 600yd shot.

I have a friend who has the Cronus was jus a couple clicks away from zero when he mounted his scope. He is thrilled with it. He pulled a high dollar Ziess which he didn't care much for.
I am late to the Athlon party, but boy am I glad I caught on before spending too much on one optic. Within two months I bought three and love the clarity. One Aeries ETR 4.5-30 for my Creedmoor and two Aeries BTR 2.5-15 for my Grendel and Wife's ARC. Almost spent the price of two optics on one! The quality and clarity is amazing!! Haven't had time to use yet due to move, but will post pics when loading room done and we start development and her rig is complete.

I've got a 18" fluted Alexander Arms barrel, it's not crazy accurate, about 1.5 MOA with my 129 gr LRAB loads. I should probably spend more time tuning. But it is lightweight and was $150 if I remember right.

I'll second the Athlon love though, my bolt gun has an ETR and for $850 used it's unbeatable.
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