6.5 Grendel barrel

Good luck with the build. I'm sure you'll be happy - I've used BA in the past to good results.

My 6.5G wears a Satern 5R 1:8tw @ 18". Shoots ~0.75MOA if I do my part, and took my brother's deer last year with 123 gr SSTs.
Well finally took a couple pics of my 16" BCA build.

ASA left hand side charge, chassis'd trigger (don't recall the manufacturer), Osprey carbine length piston system Palmetto lower, magpul grip and butt stock.

Well finally took a couple pics of my 16" BCA build.View attachment 147165
ASA left hand side charge, chassis'd trigger (don't recall the manufacturer), Osprey carbine length piston system Palmetto lower, magpul grip and butt stock.

View attachment 147166
Very nice CaptnC. It will be about 3 more weeks before I can show mine. Got make momma some money first.
12.5" Liberty Barrel, made a hunting pistol, lol! I was actually torn between a 6.8 spc and the Grendel. Once I heard the Grendel hits harder out of a 12.5" barrel than a 30-30 from a 20" tube, I figured it was good enough for me. I like 30-30 lever guns, but a 12.5 in AR pistol is much handier in the woods.
I've got a Lilja AR319. Awesome barrel! It will pile 123 Amaxs into little clusters with 28.2 grains of 8208. I'm also impressed with the Hornady American gunner ammunition from sportsman's. It's consistently sub moa for about the price of virgin brass.
I am so looking forward to getting my 12.5" BA barreled pistol assembled. Hopefully I can get it out into the deer woods this year.

man, that would be super easy to lug around the woods. i'm planning to use my 16" grendel in a few weeks when gun season starts. it's not too bad. but with a 12.5" barrel, i could throw my suppressor on and now worry about wearing my electronic ear plugs.
man, that would be super easy to lug around the woods. i'm planning to use my 16" grendel in a few weeks when gun season starts. it's not too bad. but with a 12.5" barrel, i could throw my suppressor on and now worry about wearing my electronic ear plugs.

That's the idea. Built my dad a lightweight 16" 6.8 SPC a few years back. Same idea, but it's kind of a musket with a can on it. We hunt southeast OK, the deer don't get huge and we don't shoot far, so we really can afford to go really short on barrels.
That's the idea. Built my dad a lightweight 16" 6.8 SPC a few years back. Same idea, but it's kind of a musket with a can on it. We hunt southeast OK, the deer don't get huge and we don't shoot far, so we really can afford to go really short on barrels.

yep same here. my last 2 deer were shot at less than 25 yards. i hunt in the hills of NC, unless you're on the edge of a cornfield it's unlikely that you shoot more than 100 yards. i hunt on my own land and it's just 10 acres of woods.
Tried to order a complete upper BCA 18" SS last night for $216.xx and out of stock. Will be in line for a 6.5 Grendel upper.
I just purchased a BCA 20" Parkarized Heavy Chrome Moly barreled complete upper for 249.00. I was going to purchase just a barrel and bolt, but I didn't see any on Brownells that were cheaper than the complete upper. I have only put 20 rounds down the barrel right now, I have a Sitemark Digital Night vision scope on it and after sighting it in, I am currently getting three shot groups that a quarter can cover. The only negative I have is the handguard is clamp on instead of screw on, it has a slight wobble to it, if you run iron sights, you will have problems holding zero. I will keep it as is, but if my accuracy is sporadic, I will change to a screw on handguard, the clamp on one touches the gas block when on a bench.
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