6.5 Grendel barrel

I ve built 4 6.5 Grendel's with BCA barrels (16, 18, 20/5R and 24). it's hard for me to say which on is the best shooter. I've shot the 16 and 24 out to 600yds. The 18 and 20 out to 400yds, I feel taking them to 600 is as easy as walking to the 600 yard line.

I have trued all the actions and used lock-tite on all of the barrel extensions.

The tightest groups on paper have been out of the 16"...I don't shoot paper well, but all 4 have shot under MOA out to 600...I have pretty bad target panic so they most likely shoot better than MOA. I don't have any problem on steel. So I tend to judge accuracy at Long Range on steel. The splat markswill pretty much touch on the steel plates all the way to 600.

They are pretty sweet little AR's!
Thanks everyone I have finally decided on a barrel. Going with the 18 inch ballistic advantage.

BA is good stuff and it's affordable. i have a 22" BA barrel in my 6.5 creedmoor AR. it's very accurate for a gas gun. BA is having a sale right now, hurry up and buy!
you'll need a low pro .750 gas block. i usually use steel for mine. they can be had for less than $20 on most sites. they make set screw and clamp on blocks, set screws are the most prevalent and are on 95% of my AR builds. on my grendel though, i used a clamp on YHM gas block because i wanted to try something different. it's a tight fit inside my rail though, i'd just go with a set screw type.
yep that one will work. that block looks easy to adjust too. i have one that uses an allen wrench to adjust it and it's a pain in the neck to adjust.
Thanks everyone I have finally decided on a barrel. Going with the 18 inch ballistic advantage.

I'm sure that is great choice, but I want to throw out a little extra info on BCA (Bear Creek Arsenal) for those who follow this thread. They have a bad rep on the Grendel site and most likely on AR15.com...in every situation I've read about, they guy complaining bought a pre-assembled upper.

They have the best prices on the Web too for Grendel barrels.

IMO-many of these guys problems most likely are in the assembly or upper receiver...not the barrel. Some noted short chambers, but I think a little of that came from a slow learning curve by the barrel maker and these guys wanting to run bullets bigger than the Grendel's original design.

I just seen on the Grendel site guys are having short chamber issues with a group buy. So it not just BCA.

Everyone complaining always complimented on great quick customer service from them.

I don't know any of them at BCA...only talked to them one time via email. That problem was on my end, my fault...had I not had a knee jerk reaction because of all the negitive post...I would have found the problem before I emailed them.
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