50 caliber muzzleloader bullets

I went into Walmart today bought 2 of them. They still had 15 on shelf. I got a new muzzle loader yesterday. Cva optima v2 50 cal LR magnum. I shot my first blackhorn today. Trying the 250 gr sst with 120 charge of blackhorn. It shot this bullet and powder very well. I was looking in my reloading room. I fount almost 200 of the Remington core lokt 44 cal cal 275 gr jhp muzzle loading bullets. Deer season with muzzle loader open in few hrs. I am going to find a hog. I want too see what the sst will do to a hog.
Rifle: TC Encore Pro Hunter FX

Load 1

Powder: BH 209 @ 84gr/120 volume
Bullet: Hornady .429" 300gr XTP (No mag)
Sabot: Harvester green sabot

Load 2

Powder: BH 209 @ 84gr/120 volume
Bullet: Barnes TEZ 290gr
Sabot: Barnes blue
I just bought a 50 caliber Encore muzzleloader and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with what powder and bullets would be good to use in it
I have 2 TC Encores. Both have done well with Blackhorn 209 powder and Harvester sabots with a variety of bullets. My .50 Encore prefers the red larger diameter sabots. I typically use Hornady XTP or TC Cheapshot lead bullets. I just returned from an elk hunt and had great results with a Cutting Edge .451 300gr Maximus lathe turned copper bullet.
I have shot several deer with powerbelt bullets and have been less than impressed. They work, but there are much better options.
I have 2 TC Encores. Both have done well with Blackhorn 209 powder and Harvester sabots with a variety of bullets. My .50 Encore prefers the red larger diameter sabots. I typically use Hornady XTP or TC Cheapshot lead bullets. I just returned from an elk hunt and had great results with a Cutting Edge .451 300gr Maximus lathe turned copper bullet.
I have shot several deer with powerbelt bullets and have been less than impressed. They work, but there are much better options.
As with every rifle, they each seem to like different cannon fodder. My TC Wolf with a Vortex 3 x 9 x 40 which I have had for many years now does not like granulated powder at all. Tried Buckhorn as well as Pyrodex RS. It's favorite powder is IMR white hots, 2 tablets (100 gr) along with 245 grain power belts. Heavier powder charges (Magnum rifle) and heavier bullets do not group well. The two targets shown below were taken bench rest and standing at 100 yards. As you can see it shoots 1MOA which doesn't get much better than that. So far the deer that were hit with those 245 gr power belts went down and never got back up. Maybe there is something better, but I'm happy with what I have developed for my rifle. Took awhile to get there but as it is said, "If it's not broke, don't fix it."


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As with every rifle, they each seem to like different cannon fodder. My TC Wolf with a Vortex 3 x 9 x 40 which I have had for many years now does not like granulated powder at all. Tried Buckhorn as well as Pyrodex RS. It's favorite powder is IMR white hots, 2 tablets (100 gr) along with 245 grain power belts. Heavier powder charges (Magnum rifle) and heavier bullets do not group well. The two targets shown below were taken bench rest and standing at 100 yards. As you can see it shoots 1MOA which doesn't get much better than that. So far the deer that were hit with those 245 gr power belts went down and never got back up. Maybe there is something better, but I'm happy with what I have developed for my rifle. Took awhile to get there but as it is said, "If it's not broke, don't fix it."
You should try Barnes T-EZ 290gr with BH 209! Murder pills!
77gn by weight of BH209 and the Dead Center 260gn pills with the PRB Large Rifle Primer Variflame breech plug shooting CCI-200's in a TC Omega stainless. 100yds. That'll do for what I need.


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