50 caliber muzzleloader bullets

For my TC bone collector i have found the best bullet for me so far and been using them for a good while is https://www.prbullet.com/pts.htm. Dead Center bullets rock.
Check them out. I will not shoot anything else in this ML as long as they continue to make this bullet.

But i have to say, i did have 1 Sort of , not a failure with last years deer but didnt go as planned and had an extended tracking job. Most every deer taken with this combo is DRT or it will go a little ways about 2 or 3 yards. Last year my 1 doe unfortunately did travel about 12 yards and with that made it more difficult. :)

All these posted bullets work but this is one bullet i will use from here on out. Oh accuracy is crazy good.
This is easy, YES - to everything you just said. That 220 .40 DC in a LBCR behind 120grV BH 209 in my Accura V2 .45 is my 200yd & in ML. Its just BANG.FLOP & thats the name of that tune. I totally forgot to mention that in a .50 1:28 twist ( 1:24 is much better ) for a Dead Center bullet in a number of weights in a sabot that would serve them very very well. Great post
250 gr t/c shock wave with 110 gr by volume blackhorn 209. That combination has worked good in the 3 encore's I've tried.
I just bought a 50 caliber Encore muzzleloader and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with what powder and bullets would be good to use in it
I have been shooting muzzle loaders for years and am also a NRA Certified Muzzle Loader Instructor. Over the years I have learned that the new muzzle loaders are simply spectacular and extremely accurate. My current smoke pipe is a CVA Wolf which I have had for several years now. For any of you who have seen my other posts have probably realized that I am a stickler for 1 MOA accuracy or less. That goes for muzzle loaders too. I like shooting as well as trying out different products including Triple 7, Buckhorn, Pyrodex RS and finally the new pelleted black powder substitutes. Of the many I found that IMR White Hots have given me the most accuracy. The pellets are each 50 grains so measuring your powder charge is extremely easy. 1 pellet 50 grains, 2 pellets 100 grains and for those rifles rated as Magnum 3 pellets 150 grains. I have found that bullets heavier did not group as well and 150 gr magnum loads were absolutely atrocious with any and all bullets tried. When used in conjunction with 245 gr Power Belt Bullets and 2 pellets of White Hots (100 gr) at 100 yards in my Wolf, they shoot 1 MOA or less. The target below was shot using this charge and bullet along with a standard W209 primer at 100 yards bench rest. A 245 gr bullet is more than enough to take down the biggest White Tail or Muley out there and is also serious medicine for Elk. Bullet placement is of utmost importance when hunting any game animal. The key is to know your rifle, know your load and shoot the best load for your rifle. Keep in mind rifles properly loaded with good ammunition and sighted in correctly don't miss...shooters do.


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I just bought a 50 caliber Encore muzzleloader and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with what powder and bullets would be good to use in it
Barnes TMZ 250gr (discard the sabots that come with it and buy the yellow crush rib sabots from harvester) 100-120gr blackhorn 209 and standard win or cci 209 primers. Lights out.
Power belt 295 grain with 130 grains of hodge pyrodex (2 50 pellets and 1 30 grain). shot great in my encores (4) different barrels. Killed a large bull elk with that load
Barnes TMZ & TEZ sabots shoot very well in my T/C Encore with Blackhorn 209.
I followed Randy Wakeman's advice and found 95.2 gr. (wt) 136 gr. vol. of BH 209 behind a 300 gr. Parker Max Hunter works well but I needed to experiment with the sabots and found the #150 black Harvester loaded easily and improved accuracy in my Remington 700 Ultimate.

I will be using this setup on a NM hunt in 3 weeks…can hardly wait!
I followed Randy Wakeman's advice and found 95.2 gr. (wt) 136 gr. vol. of BH 209 behind a 300 gr. Parker Max Hunter works well but I needed to experiment with the sabots and found the #150 black Harvester loaded easily and improved accuracy in my Remington 700 Ultimate.

I will be using this setup on a NM hunt in 3 weeks…can hardly wait!
Where are you guys finding BH 209, I haven't seen it for over a year.
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