408 Cheytac vs. 50 Cal

I am not offended and I apologize if I came off as being cranky. You made a statement and I would like to see the numbers you used to arrive at your conclusions, you may know something I don't. You really need to have the facts when discussing ballistics on this site. This place is full of people that will take you to school for posting BS.
I have had both the 50 and the 375 Chey tac. I shot the 750 A-max in the 50. The ballistics are very similar, the only advantage the fifty has over the 375 is payload. My 375 is much more accurate than the Armalite AR50 I owned. The 375 weighs 16 lbs including the USO, the AR50 is around 35 lbs.

All things considered the 375 comes out on top for civilian uses. Military applications is a whole different ball game.

Oh, who is shooting 7 miles with a 50?

Im shooting a AR-50 right now and working on gettting a 375 or 408. Guys have me on one side of 408 for availability and costs to shoot others have me on side of 375 for hands down accuracy and range. I want to shoot "soft points" for hunting and using A-maxs now. Found Rocky Mountain Bullet company for "soft points" in 408 and 375. I can't get them to group in my AR-50 like i can with my A-maxes. I need to work on my loads some more - have older ar-50 with bolt for bolt release. Can't even measure to lands cause bullet falls out of case before touches. Newer ones I guess aren't so bad and want to get my hands on National Match.

That is all besides the point.

What is your opinion on 375 vs 408. Will help this thread and me.

MEANT 408 instead of 406
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I have no knowledge of a 406, do mean 408? I have shot the 375 quite a bit and I really like it. Sierra is making the 350 SMK again and Berger is supposed to have some of the hybrids in 375 in the pipeline. I don't have any experience with the 408 but it is probably a matter of choice as to which is more suitable.
why not the 375 chey-tac. 1 sec on target at 1000yd, blazing speed, lower recoil. think the 375 was for fleshy targets, the 408 for barrier/vehicle if I am correct

midway had the brass and bullets but now, like all else, temp unavailable. know it wasn't the 408 or 50 cal but would be my preference unless you have other plans. just throwing that out.

anyways, new to forum sign up, been a long time reader
I know this is an old post, but I still gotta laugh at the whole "7 miles" comment.

Acording to the sierra I6 program, a .510 AMAX fired at 2750 fps at 0 elevation at 58 degrees F has a MAXIMUM range of 5.27 miles when fired at a 34 degree angle.

So...BS on the whole 7 mile deal!!
I'll throw this out there and you can take it or leave it. All I've got are a few experiences with different ELR cartridges while out shooting with friends. Also some of these comments are from other friends about experiences with their friends with their rifle's and ELR cartridges.

375CT on 2.5 moa steel at 2500Y. Easy to hit in mild conditions of 1-4 MPH winds. Both a friend and I were shooting and near as we could tell the groups were less than 2'. We also shot at 2000Y and didn't repaint the plate. 2000Y was no challenge at all.

Myself and K... 50 BMG/EDM windrunner/750amax at 2600fps/1moa capable. VS 375CT/Lawton 8000/Hooker 350 grain at 3150 fps. Engaging 2moa steel plates;

We were shooting side by side in the same conditions. Pretty even hitting plates until we got to 1900Y when the extra wind drift of the 50 made it hard to hit the plate. The 2050Y plate wasn't ever hit by the 50 even after 20 rounds. 3 shots in a row for the 375CT and 3 shot group of 7"s on the upper right side of the plate.

Hearsay...Friend J reported not being able to tell the difference in wind drift between his 338L/300 Berger hybrids and friends 408/419 solids. He reported his friend was having trouble staying less than MOA with the 408. 338L was more accurate and easier to hit with even out to 2200Y.

375CT, 338L, 300WM, 30-375R. Past 1 mile the 375CT was much easier to hit with in the wind. The BC of 1.1 G1 and the extra velocity made it a much more capable ELR cartridge past a mile.

The problem I had with the 375CT was excessive copper fouling with the Hooker 350's. After 40 rounds accuracy dropped off. The other thing I didn't like were the tiny dime sized copper colored splats on steel. Half the time I couldn't tell where on the steel I was hitting so I was unsure how to correct on the next shot for center hit.

When Berger comes out with a ELR .375 bullet I might revisit 375CT once again.
To the gentleman whos reply is on the bottom or above mine, im not sure if this site puts my reply on the top or the bottom. It states that the .50 will shoot like 10 miles or something like that. ********, the round is so heavy youd be lucky to hit 2 miles. Dont believe everything you read on the internet bud. A .338 laupua magnum round will hit 2 miles yes, note it is a extremely complicated shot though. However, it is possible.
liking the 375 cheytac, hoping to see more bullets and more information. Thanks to all those who have posted thus far. 375 or 408. Any thoughts on a 375Improved if anyone has done one?
To the gentleman whos reply is on the bottom or above mine, im not sure if this site puts my reply on the top or the bottom. It states that the .50 will shoot like 10 miles or something like that. ********, the round is so heavy youd be lucky to hit 2 miles. Dont believe everything you read on the internet bud. A .338 laupua magnum round will hit 2 miles yes, note it is a extremely complicated shot though. However, it is possible.

Army Field Manual 3-22.65 (on the Browning M2, .50 caliber machine gun) lists the maximum range of approx 4 miles. That is with ball ammo (BC of .660) and at standard atmospheric conditions and sea level.
Run the numbers on a .50 BMG propelling a 750 Amax at anywhere near 2800 fps and see how a .338 Lapua stacks up.
One thing you got right: Don't believe everything you read on the internet bud.
i have been shooting a 50 over 20 years. if long range is where you are shooting and i mean LONG range-like 7 miles, you cannot beat the 50 with those little pipsqueak cartridges. they dont have the powder. all the publicity on the 416 and the shows on tv doesnt take into account of an 50 specialty bullets that can outshine any that you make in the 416. have you ever shot a 50 tracer? ever see how little it drops past 1700 yards? the range on a tracer is 7 miles. that is when it burns out. what the 416 and others dont offer is versatility. my 50 is threaded for a Heavy barrel BMG threads. if i burn out my barrel, i can get the "cheaper" 50 off a ma deuce. i can shoot ANY military ammo including slap, raufus, tracer, and armour piercing incenderary. plus, i can put my own lathe produced bronze ultra high BC bullets into neck turned, competition grade brass for ultra precision if i want, they are out there, just harder to find. basicly, the 50 can do whatever you do with a 416 or whatever and it can be cheaper and a whole lot more options available. my 50 kicks less than a 338 lapua with one of those artillery brakes on it. it shoves 6 inches-no matter who or how it is held, but you can shoot it with one hand and it only weighs 18 pounds, with the scope. hard to find my muzzle brake tho. freshhour made the first sniper rifles in 50 for the agency back in the 80's before most people even knew that there was such a caliber. his break is still the best on the market, if he is still making them. dont get a clamshell or artillery brake. if you want more info, got tons. they dont shoot 416's out of aircraft. nor 50's too much anymore. 30 mm is the way to go for EXTREME long range. lets face it. more powder the bigger the hole and heavier the bullet at the same velocities the farther you can shoot it. simple physics. if the BC is the same (and you can find bullets like that in the 50 that will surpass the 416) guess which one will shoot farther? do you want a 308 minigun or a 30 mm vulcan for extreme long range. i can tell you what the military is sold on. if you want to quibble on 1000 -2000 yards then my 300 win can almost do as good and it is a heck of lot cheaper to shoot.
good luck and good shooting.


Wait wait wait. Are you saying you shoot at 7miles??
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