The 338/408 CheyTac ELR pistol project

It tracks straight back with no torque or muzzle jump. I actually have a very soft grip on the gun when I shoot it in the video. My wrists are a little beat up from work and years of shooting large bore revolvers and this gun puts less strain on my wrist than a 357 from a heavy revolver.

What a beast! The pic of you holding the pistol brings the true size and stoutness of the pistol into perspective. Look's like a tack driver, based on the first few shots fired. Should be a lot of fun. Will also turn some heads for sure. You won't be able to shoot it at a range. Too many folks will come over to talk to you!
I got some velocity estimates last weekend. Since the Magneto won't fit on the barrel because of the muzzle brake I had to calculate the velocity by measuring drops from a 100 yard zero. I used the 300gr OTM fro this since the BC of that particular bullet has been pretty well nailed down to .418 for a G7 BC. Using this BC and measuring the drops at 300 and 600 yards gave me a velocity of 2845 fps. I ran this through the calculator and then dialed out to my gong at 965 and was rewarded with a solid hit, confirming that the velocity is pretty darn close.
Very nice pistol. I know Ernie Bishop tried a 375 Snipe-tac on a pistol, Chuck at Mac Gunworks I think built it for the set-up. But good job there guy. The stock looks very nice.

Have fun
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