.358 Winchester experience anyone?

I'd considered that actually. Was looking around on the internet....can't find many options for .35 cal in that particular thread pattern. Easy enough...:cool:
Hey all. I realize that this is a Long Range Hunting Site which is why I chose to ask this question on this particular sub-forum and not the Long Range Hunting and Shooting forum. Who here has experience with the .358 Winchester and what are your thoughts on it? I snagged a factory new Ruger American Predator today on GunBroker chambered in .358 Winchester (Limited Run) to use for the short-range deer game here in Kentucky. I've got the long-range game already covered with a .280AI. Let's hear it.... Thanks!
Several years ago I was hunting with a couple of friends. One of them shot a Prarie Dog at about 60 yards with his 358 Winchester. There was no need for a follow up shot.
Several years ago I was hunting with a couple of friends. One of them shot a Prarie Dog at about 60 yards with his 358 Winchester. There was no need for a follow up shot.
How far did run or did its little pelt just fly away?
. I also use a 35 Remington(M600) I must say that the 35's kill quick.

Funny one of the first guns I hunted with..an old Remington 600 35 Remington...no one wanted to use it as it was a very un sexy rifle in west Texas...I ended up with that rifle--and what do u know a pretty rare bird...pretty accurate too...
For a brake, any 375 caliber brake will work perfectly.
A very good friend who is a Winchester lever guy wanted similar performance to his 348 Winchester Model 71. 2 digit serial #.
I talked him into a Ruger Frontier in 358 Win. M77 Mk2 Stainless laminate. 16" barrel. He tried a scout scope on it but couldn't get used to it. So he put a Leupold M8 4 power on it. He really likes it for where he lives in Southeast Alaska.
He gets about 2400 fps with the 225 gr TSX. Moose, black bear, deer and if needed , to be able to keep a problem brown bear off him.
I wish Ruger still made that carbine !
I had a muzzle brake put on my .35 Whelen by a gunsmith in Calhan, Colorado. It works good, but is verrrrry loud. And bigbull is right, the .35s kill quick, especially if you select the right bullets.
yep. I killed a prairie dog with my .350 mag too. Didn't hit him. All I could see was his head. Bullet hit mound right in front of the sod poodle. Wasn't a mark on him. I think the concussion killed it.
For a brake, any 375 caliber brake will work perfectly.
A very good friend who is a Winchester lever guy wanted similar performance to his 348 Winchester Model 71. 2 digit serial #.
I talked him into a Ruger Frontier in 358 Win. M77 Mk2 Stainless laminate. 16" barrel. He tried a scout scope on it but couldn't get used to it. So he put a Leupold M8 4 power on it. He really likes it for where he lives in Southeast Alaska.
He gets about 2400 fps with the 225 gr TSX. Moose, black bear, deer and if needed , to be able to keep a problem brown bear off him.
I wish Ruger still made that carbine !

I never got into the forward mounted scope thing either. I'd rather use open sights than look through a pin hole of a scope!

I think Ruger sold more M77's into Alaska than anywhere else. Hugely popular gun amongst those who depend on a gun.
yep. I killed a prairie dog with my .350 mag too. Didn't hit him. All I could see was his head. Bullet hit mound right in front of the sod poodle. Wasn't a mark on him. I think the concussion killed it.
I too killed a ground squirrel with concussion alone. 358 actually burned the hair off the top of his head. 00A705BC-5A55-4BEC-9BA3-1BFDB1DCA3DE.jpeg
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