.358 Winchester experience anyone?

outstanding white tail rifle round I had the Browning LA back in the 80s and it took many white tails after moveing to Alaska I did a 35 whelin for the wife and it works good up here for everything walking
Where in Alaska? What's it cost to go for elk or moose up where you are? My brother in law and I want to hunt up there so bad we can taste it.
I had a BLR 358. I sold it in time of need.
I bought a 308 700 and re-barreled it to 358. Great for anything in the lower 48 I'd guess (I have not tried it on everything, darn it.) I like 200 spire point Hornady and 250 grain Hornady. The best accuracy I get is with H4895 (and Win 748, but I like the H4895 better due to temperature sensitivity issues.) John Barseness had an article in the Handliader comparing the 338 Federal and the 358 Win. He got 100 fps faster, than what I could get with Any other powder, with 250 grain Hornady bullets in his Ruger 77.
I have several .358 molds and they work very well in the 358.
I'm a big 35 fan!
I think everyone who tries a .35 cal is a great fan of them. I know I am. One day soon, I'll get one of my Whelens turned into an AI just to see what I can do with it.
I have been using a 358Win. since 2004, It is a bolt action M70 FWT. I have used it for deer in Northern Saskatchewan and have harvested a half dozen deer, all large males, my powder is IMR 3031 and the bullet is 200 Hornady Spitzer, I have recovered one bullet from a frontal shot that penetrated the length of the body and it split in two vertically aside from this one experience they have all been pass throughs with quick kills and great expansion, most were broad side shots. I also use a 35 Remington(M600) and a 350 Rem. Mag. (7MS) all with the same 200 Hornady, same experiences with these calibers.
I must say that the 35's kill quick.
Here is what I used:

We suggest the following.

Caliber: .358 Winchester.

Barrel length: 24"

Powder: Ramshot – TAC®.

Bullet weight: 200 grains.

Start load: 43.0grains (2300 – 2350 Fps)

Maximum load: 48.0grains (2450 – 2550 Fps) LD ca 108%.

Bullet weight: 225 grains.

Start load: 41.4 grains (2000 – 2100 Fps)

Maximum load: 46.0grains (2300 – 2400 Fps) LD ca 106%.


It' important to note that SAFETY is our prime concern therefore we strongly recommend.

1. ALWAYS BEGIN LOADING AT THE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM "START" LOAD and develop loads in 2% increments towards the MAXIMUM load.

2. If possible, measure the velocity and correlate with our data.

Johan Loubser
WesternPowdersInc.Miles City.Montana.
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Where in Alaska? What's it cost to go for elk or moose up where you are? My brother in law and I want to hunt up there so bad we can taste it.
you can do a moose hunt on your own fly in hunt tags are now high as is fly ins or just float the yukon ect we are in around the 40 mile river area for
Don't have any experience with the.358, but I have two .350
Rem Mags and a .35 Whelen. Love them! I can't see why the .358 wouldn't do almost every thing they do, but maybe with a little less recoil.
even the old Remington smi auto 35 rem along with the old Remington cork screw pump 35 killed a load of black bears and white tails
I had one of the remington Mohawks and did not like it but 350 was a good cal

In the event that I can't get a muzzle brake from Ruger what do you guys recommend? Just shoot it as is? I'm not recoil sensitive or anything like that..:D
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