338/284 vs 338 edge

Sorry for the late reply: I've been under the weather... ugh..

yorke-1 OK, here's what you've told me - 284 with a heavy bullet - do I have that right?

Bullet suggestions?? What kinds of predicted velocity/energy are out there are at 700 800 900 and 1000 meters?

Ksmirk, I'm really surprised you were able to get a Yugo Mauser Action to support your efforts out to 700 yards. That's phenomenal! A real tribute to your technical and shooting skills!

I've got a VZ-24 action, a Savage Target Action (long shank), and could get a fnh action also. Barrel sourcing is not a problem. Nor is getting the proper muzzle break installed. Getting a decent stock could be a problem depending on the action and market availability - I checked just before Christmas and most everyone was sold out!! Any thoughts here greatly appreciated - I even do used too.

Merry Christmas and a Great New year to Everyone!!
I have a light 338 NM, UNDER 9#'S scoped. I shot it of bench in t shirt and thought it was not bad at all. Limbsaver pad and muzzel brake, nothing like a non braked 340WM. Recoil tolerance is diff. for everone
I think that the straight 284 Win would probably be your best bet. Shooting the heavy VLD bullets would give you the long range performance that you want, without the recoil.

You could still build the 338/284 just for fun though. It's a pretty cool round.

tangodown, thanks for the kind words but don't underestimate one of the best actions ever built! 700 is a chip shot with my 243 built on a Spanish Mauser it has hit at 1300 granted not a good round for that distance this was on steel plates. The 308 that was built on this action I could hang with the guys at 1K without a problem granted I did get several laughs before we started.

I knew a very old smith that helped me along and granted Mausers are sloppy as all get out when you do your part, lap the lugs, true up the boltface and make everything straight they will shoot and shoot well they are just missing that COOL factor.

My loads while fine in my rifle I hear that Quickload says I'm hot but groups are good and the primer pockets are not opening up after 5 firings, I'm getting 3011fps over the CED with 162 A-Max bullets and Hybrid100V powder NOW the barrel was throated for a COL of 3.100" to be .010" off the lands so I'm not running your normal 2.800" 284 Win I have a little more room for powder. How it works I don't know but all I know is that it's working well so I'm not going to jack with it.

I plugged the numbers into JBM and it would look like this for veloctiy,
1K =1672
Still scootin' along pretty good! I'll be the last one to try and talk you out of an Edge but truth I'm loving my little 284 Win! Later,

Tangodown, My light 338NM recoils like a 7rm, I should take 7MM AND TRY side by side, Blipet on this built a 284 on a 338 Norma M. He calls it a 284 Jazz, someone did a 30 also. I think he shots 180's at 3200, not sure.
Heres is another take on your idea, In bullets,barrels,and ballistices.Thread 7mm 300WM, show great performance
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