338 Edge vs 338 Lapua, which one?

Sorry guys, I mad a mistake on the price of the 8000 action, 308NATE is right it cost about $1100. I was thinking about the 7500, its around $775 to $800.


I have read that article before. Remington had M-700 338 Lapua at the Vegas shot.Shawn Carlock is building mine and it is not his first..............

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Hi no one said that you could not make a LApua on the REm action but that it was not advisable to use a stainless action and this is correct i would bet the actions on the 338 Lapua's would be Chrome Molly. I would also geus that the factory Rems with a Sako type extractor also have some other slight modifications to make them stronger as the price is very expensive and they are out of the Custom shop in the Military and Police Arm of the Company.

Cheers Bill
Guys, I know of several built on the M-700 action and I have talked to several gunsmith's that do not believe that thier is a problem as long as the work is done correctly.
Guys, I know of several built on the M-700 action and I have talked to several gunsmith's that do not believe that thier is a problem as long as the work is done correctly

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Be sure and get a copy of the liability insurance policy from the gunsmiths that says no problem.

Still say it is stupid when a Stiller is available for the price it is, but then we would not have any candidates for the annual Darwin awards would we.

What are your eyes worth?

I asked Shawn if thier was a problem and if so I would get a custom action and I was told not only by him,but Another smith that has converted serveral to 30-378 and 338-378 that when done correctly thier is no problem.
Who are you calling stupid,me are the smiths? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
No one is stupid until something bad happens. Until then, the answer is always, "It worked before/nothing bad happened the last time we did it?"

Yes, I have done too many of those things also and lived to tell about it (beer and tequila was normally involved though in my defense /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif)

Lets look at the money aspect. Does it makes sense to buy or not sell a 700 action for $325-350 and then pay $400-600 to have it upgraded and then have it worth $450 when it leaves the gunsmiths counter?

I will say that is stupid dollar wise to spend that much money to have a product that is worth 50% of what it cost you the day you leave the shop and then you have somthing that is questionably safe at best (Yea yea nothing bad has happened so far!) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Did all the smiths saying go for it provide you a copy of their liability policy if it is so safe, how they done any serious testing and published articles to show it is safe? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Do you think that those considerations might/should be part of the equation?

How much are your eyes worth to you?

by Dan Lija
" But someone wanting to use a Remington could argue that the Weatherby MK 5 action has the same barrel thread size as the Remington. That's true but it doesn't change the fact that it is still marginal".

Notice the same as the Weatherby Mark 5 and how many decades has the Mark 5 been chambered for the 460,378,30/378.338/378, seems to be working. If you don't want a 700 don't use one,just don't take one mans opion and ingnore others as if there is only one side to the situation. You act as if this so marginal as to be unsafe and recless by the smiths that use 700 for the basis's to build a Lapua on. There are some big name smith;s that are doing so. I know your opion as well and you know mine....
Wow, this thread sure went South /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif, I just wanted to get a few thoughts on the Two and it went into something I didnt even want to try. Im not going to have a Lapua built on a SS Rem 700 action, never wanted to, never planned on it. Why dont you guys drop that part and argue over which is the better round instead /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif thats the input I want.
Hi Python go with the Edge it will do anything the Lapua will and with the Quality brass available it is as good. Also the rounds are better suited for feeding and you already have the action. Get a longer mag box fitted and load them to 3.900" long and you will be good to go. Shawn will have some detachable mags for them at an OAL of 3.900" in 4 and 8 round capacity so that is the best way to go in my opinion. The LApua case is realy over stated If remington was in first with the full length 338 Edge it would have made it a lot simpler as it will fit in more actions than the Lapua case. The factory LApua ammo is down loaded to a lower pressure where the FActory 338 Ultra is loaded higher so they basicaly equil themselves with factory ammo. The LApua ccan however be loaded to almost the exact performance as the 338 Edge can be. Look at using the 300gr Sierra in wich ever you chose. I have designed and improved 338 Edge basicly as i wanted to stay away from mthe Lapua case.

Cheers Bill

CHeers Bill
Wild Bill
Thanks for the input, thats what I was expecting to hear. I think I will just go with the Edge and the 700 action, it already has badger ordinance knob & fluted bolt & sako extractor. It should work fine.
Wild Bill
Thanks for the input, thats what I was expecting to hear. I think I will just go with the Edge and the 700 action, it already has badger ordinance knob & fluted bolt & sako extractor. It should work fine.

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Python the Action has already been done except for possibly squaring the front of the action and fit a thicker recoil lug and you should have a rifle that hammers. It should be just as good as a 338 Lapua on the other Rem Clones. As for your magazine either ger a 3.900" extended mag box fitted or fit the factory Rem Floor plate and wait until Shawn gets the Detachable mags in 4 and 8 shot in they will take a 3.900" OAL cartrige aswell. You will need the action to be relieved a bit to allow the mag's to work correctly if you dont have a gunsmith ready to do the work i would talk to Shawn. Also what stock are you going to use? I have an A5L from Joel Russo going on mine and they are awsome but if you dont like the full tacticle style he has a New Model that is a bit more like a Benckrest/Longrange Hunter. Talk to Joel as i believe the LAmi stocks are better that Composites.

Cheers Bill

Cheers Bill
I still need to find a magazine box for the larger cartriges, this action I havw was a 300 win mag and will need a bit of work besides that too. I never really thought about the detachable mag before but that sounds like an idea for sure.
I have a McMillan A-5 stock already. I waited 6 months for it to get here but was worth the wait IMO. It was just a bit heavier then I expected it to be. I like how they molded my name into the barrel channel on it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif I have been thinking about getting one of those A5L's for a couple of my other guns though. they are much cheaper to buy then the Mcm's are. This is gonna be my first custom and I think its going to be a sweet gun when I get it all finished.
I dont really care about the resale factor going with the 700 action because Ive never sold a gun in my life, hell I still have rusty old BB guns from when I was a kid. I just keep stuffing them into the safes and hoping more will fit.
gotta go now, Im off to the local gun show with the kids
The single stack longer detachable box magazines will work with the Lapua case as well......
Will if you dont use the Detachable mag you can get the Wyatt's mag box's from Brownells or speek to Shawn as he would have them in stock i believe he does not like or use the centre feed. The mags you want should be 3.900" long to take full advantage of the cartriges potential. I am going with the Detachable as it would allow the rifle to be used and unloaded fairly fast and be stronger than factory Rem Bottom Metal.

Cheers Bill
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