308 Win Long Range Hunting Loads

Yeah I am shooting the amax out of mine and it prints ragged one hole groups with 168 amax and 46 grains of varget seated to 2.8

I have shot a ton of steel and rocks out to a grand and if the wind isnt ripping holds it's own .

I have never messed with the berger hybrids thought about it, but why try to fix it if it ain't broke.

The 308 is a super round for working on your longrange skills with out breaking the bank:D
Yeah I am shooting the amax out of mine and it prints ragged one hole groups with 168 amax and 46 grains of varget seated to 2.8

I have shot a ton of steel and rocks out to a grand and if the wind isnt ripping holds it's own .

I have never messed with the berger hybrids thought about it, but why try to fix it if it ain't broke.

The 308 is a super round for working on your longrange skills with out breaking the bank:D
That is exactly wanted to hear, after reading about the stability issues of the 168 SMK i wrote off all 168s thinking they all have this problem, good to hear success with the 168 Amax to 1k
Used 40.5gr of LT32, lapua brass, 210 primers, 185 gr berger jufggernaut, .001 off the lands. 100 yard group was about 1/10 of an inch. Bullet speed at 1000 yards above mach 1.2. Shooting a Savage10BA with a 26' barrel.
Fluctuating 7 to 12 h winds at the 1000 yard range but still shot a 15' group. LT 32 does not work in my AR 10,as it causes it to short stroke.
For a bolt action 308, LT32 gets an A.
Used 40.5gr of LT32, lapua brass, 210 primers, 185 gr berger jufggernaut, .001 off the lands. 100 yard group was about 1/10 of an inch. Bullet speed at 1000 yards above mach 1.2. Shooting a Savage10BA with a 26' barrel.
Fluctuating 7 to 12 h winds at the 1000 yard range but still shot a 15' group. LT 32 does not work in my AR 10,as it causes it to short stroke.
For a bolt action 308, LT32 gets an A.

Just ordered some juggernauts myself. I'll be trying them with IMR 4064 and Alliant power pro 2000. Gotta wait until it warms up some first.
That is exactly wanted to hear, after reading about the stability issues of the 168 SMK i wrote off all 168s thinking they all have this problem, good to hear success with the 168 Amax to 1k

The stability issues of the 168 smk have been attributed to the angle of the boat tail and the effect it has as the bullet starts to approach the speed of sound. Simple solution, shoot them faster so this happens after the 1k mark.

Many other 168's share this extra steep boat tail angle, and also the same problem/solution.

If 1k is on the agenda i personally would look at bullet weights in the 175-200gn range, but it can be done with 165/168's.
That is exactly wanted to hear, after reading about the stability issues of the 168 SMK i wrote off all 168s thinking they all have this problem, good to hear success with the 168 Amax to 1k

The issue with the 168 SMK is the boat-tail design. Makes it really unstable at trans-sonic speeds. The 180 SMK has the same boat-tail, FYI.

EDIT: I knew I should have read the last page first, Canadian nailed it.
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