270 win for long range hunting

I only have a 270 win for long range on big game. I am pushing a 150gr sst BC. 525 2880fps over my chrono. I might be switching to the berger but am running our of time with that. I have my rifle topped with a Nikon bushmaster 6-18x40 and love that scope. I found that rock chucks are great practice for you to find your max accurate range.I you can kill a rock chuck then you can hit a deer. My longest kill to day with the 150gr is 605yd on a chuck and 833yd of clay pigeons but I know i will still keep it under 600yd if not more.
Hope this helps.
I only have a 270 win for long range on big game. I am pushing a 150gr sst BC. 525 2880fps over my chrono. I might be switching to the berger but am running our of time with that. I have my rifle topped with a Nikon bushmaster 6-18x40 and love that scope. I found that rock chucks are great practice for you to find your max accurate range.I you can kill a rock chuck then you can hit a deer. My longest kill to day with the 150gr is 605yd on a chuck and 833yd of clay pigeons but I know i will still keep it under 600yd if not more.
Hope this helps.

Didn't know they made an SST in 150grn. Sounds like a good bullet for LR hunting. Thanks for the info.

Thanks to all the veterans who put up with new posters like me. Been enjoying the site without signing up for awhile.

I also shoot primarily a 270 and for the challenge and sport of longer ranges.

Been loading my own for two years. Use Barnes TSX and would appreciate comments on that. Wondering why other don't seem to. I find them ver accurate.

Will say that I have experiments with many dyes and for what I do the Redding and moeso the Forster work best, largely because they Forster best fits the TSX Ogive.

first post from from an avid reloader, whitetail and hog hunter.
Texas270, welcome to the site!

I prefer Lee and Forester dies. For shooting to 500yards, a set of lee dies will work just fine. The neck sizer is one of the best there is.

However if you plan to really get into this sport, your only reloading setup is pretty much mandatory.

most people here don't use them because of their low ballistic coefficients. They are awsome for short/normal ranges from everything I've heard. Just not for long range. Their 265gr .338 is gaining in popularity however, it has a low stated BC yet is longer than the 300gr SMK... Also the 180gr XLC isn't bad at all (.552 G1) but it's got that weird blue coating which I don't really like.

I'm also a big fan of Forester dies.
Barnes bullets just don't have the BC and it takes velocity to get them to open well so for the long range game there are, higher BC bullets that open at lower velocities. I've shot Barnes, Sierra, Speer, Nosler and Berger out of 270's and by far my favorite bullet is the 140 Accubond, you get a good BC and a rugged bullet that still opens and I have yet to put them in anything that didn't shoot them great. Bergers are awesome in the 270 but can be a little hard to get dialed in.

IMO, 270 cals are killers!!gun)
thanks everyone your giving me great info any gun mods you all advise doing its a Ruger M77 mk2 lightweight synthetic stock stainless steel barrel other than the awful trigger it has a 22" barrel
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After you fire it a few times, look at the muzzle (make sure the gun is safe first!) and see if the residue marks make a perfect star or not, you are checked the coentrocity of the crown. Recrowning it would not be a bad idea. A new stock and bedding will help a lot, however that's a bigger deal. Also make sure the barrel is free floated. Take a dollar bill and put the center under the barrel, then bring the two outside edges togeter above the barrel and slide it back, you want the barrel to not contact the stock at all.

could you share with me why you prefer the 140 gr accubond to the 130 gr?

Thanks again for your advise!

thanks everyone your giving me great info any gun mods you all advise doing its a Ruger M77 mk2 lightweight synthetic stock stainless steel barrel other than the awful trigger it has a 22" barrel

If i were you I would get glass bedding kit and order the pillars from brownells from the local sporting goods store. My 270 win is a Marlin MR-7. Because I don't have lots of money to spend on guns I just bedded and pillared the walnut stock that came with it. With glass bedding, floating barrel and hand load I was shooting .6" group. I have since put a pac-nor on it with same stock shoots great. Also I have a M77 mk2 lightweight in 220 swift which I glassed and pillared it shoot great after that too. On the lightweight stock I would JB weld in 1 or 2 1/8"to1/4" rods to the forearm to make it stronger other than that the bedding is easy.
Hope this helps
just got me a 243win on a Winchester model 70xtr heavy bbl and Choate ultimate sniper stock will this be a better choice for long range
just got me a 243win on a Winchester model 70xtr heavy bbl and Choate ultimate sniper stock will this be a better choice for long range
depends on what you are shooting and how far. deer/no elk/no coyotes/yes

on the original topic i've seen a one shot drop deadinits tracks shot on an elk at 745 yrds with a 270. not sure what load he was using but he does load his owngun)
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