+1 on having an experienced guy look it over. Most heavy barreled 308s will shoot 125-178 without an issue. Best of luck. Nice rig
OK wasn't even going to respond to this post cause I know there are probably shooters that love carbonsix barrels so by proxy McGowen barrels. But experience is the best teacher and I have had some experience with McGowen barrel blanks and they both have left a bad taste in my mouth. McGowen makes the blanks for carbonsix and its those same blanks that I have had a problem with. Got two that have been chambered and crowned by my gunsmith who is very good at his job (all he builds are accuracy guns). They are both finicky to the max as well as only so accurate with my best loads, I can shoot tight groups if my gun will shoot tight groups, and neither seem capable of extreme accuracy. Maybe one but two? Chambers are straight and crowns are perfect, headspace is perfect as well, both actions with other barrels shot two's and three's, modified guns with the best parts, bedding, pillars, trued actions, CF stocks and while at 1 MOA very ho hum accuracy to me at best.I have a Carbon Six on my 308. I don't think I would do another. Most finicky barrel I have ever tried to find a load for.