300 WM vs 300 WSM

This guy compares the 6.5 PRC to his .300 WM with facts n figures

Not commenting on this particular video. This Jack *** has said some of the dumbest stuff I've ever heard. You should look at his comments on the 30 TC a few years back. I actually won't even watch his show because he's such a clown.
My statements have nothing to do with the cartridges being discussed.
On the 300 magnum rifles I do have, I shoot the Browning X-Bolt in 300 WSM the best compared to the 300 Win Mags.

Easier to find ammo for a 300 Win Mag, although 300 WSM isn't (or at least wasn't) too bad to find the right contender.
I'm trying to decide on my next 30 magnum as well. Really struggling at this point. I'm really wanting a Fierce carbon fury, but I don't think they produce in the WSM currently. PRC and WM are all I can find. Components are a definite consideration. I'm trying to avoid the belt if possible this time around. If Fierce currently made them in WSM, my bank account would probably take a big hit.
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