300 wm over 300 wsm

I pushed a 180gr bullet at 2920fps. 23" barrel. AA4350 (XMR4350 Croatia mix) Browning A-Bolt BOSS 300WSM. FYI.
I have the browning a bolt 2 with 22inch barrel and I can get 2882 with classic hunters 185s with w760 but havnt worked with any other powder and the 185 yet.if your getting that with yours that's impressive I know the short barrel holds mine back some for sure
I'm looki g at both these calibers in a new rifle and I was wondering is the gain that you get with 300 wm over a 300 wsm worth it or am u better offer just sticking to 300 wsm.i have a 300 wsm already and have brass and dies and everything to hand load for it.but I've been looking at stepping g up to a 300 wm but I would have to try and find brass and dies and maybe even try to find better suited powder for the 300 wm then what I'm already using in 300 wsm.either way I'll either be spending more money and brass,dies and powder for 300 wm or spend the same amount more for a rifle chamber in 300 wsm.im just trying to see if stepping up is worth it.i do know when looking for factory ammo if need be 300 wm is a easier to find than 300 wsm but 300 wm also has more felt recoil and I'm not sure how fun it will be to shoot because this will be a hunting/ long range shooting rifle.i appreciate any input thanks
I've had a 300 WM, and a couple short action magnums. - The 300 WM had no feeding issues, but some short action magnums do! - And I'd get a good factory gun instead of a build. - Have been dissappointed with some gunsmiths.
The 300 WM came first = If it aint broke - don't fix it!
IMR-4350 and whatever bullet! :D

300 WM ammo

300 WM brass

$$$ High to Low

SAKO makes TIKKA rifles. - I like their bolts and extractors!

Stainless, but in Black!
(I'd put it in a BOYDS wood laminate stock - with the Pachmayr Decelerator pad option.)


BOYDS STOCK CONFIGURATOR for whatever rifle.

:D 'Just my 2-cents, that cost 6-cents to make.


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I haven't gotten to read all the other responses yet, but recently started in the wsm direction myself. It seems to come across to me, in my nuts and bolts thinking process, the main thought behind the wsm is (less) rifle weight, leading to longer hikes in rough terrain. (Think in ultralight hiking terms, shave a little here means more of something else there). So I would be weighing what/where I I intend to acquire with the choice.
I haven't gotten to read all the other responses yet, but recently started in the wsm direction myself. It seems to come across to me, in my nuts and bolts thinking process, the main thought behind the wsm is (less) rifle weight, leading to longer hikes in rough terrain. (Think in ultralight hiking terms, shave a little here means more of something else there). So I would be weighing what/where I I intend to acquire with the choice.
'Just wondering how all short-action magnum rifles feed. - You may have to change bottom metal and go DBM center-feed magazines. - Mine had feeding issues. - It was about $300 for my Model 7 7mm SAUM... (and it was a 7mm SAUM to begin with from the factory). - Frustrating: I had to decide to get rid of it - or fix it. - So, I glorified it. :D 7.5-lbs. without scope. - Magazine will feed 5-rds. reliably. - PTG bottom metal. - Magazines say "300WSM" on the back strap.


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Yeah, I have encountered the feeding concerns in various places in my research too. Seems to ba a prevalent trend no matter which one you choose. We're not supposed to need more than 1 round though, right? (;
I haven't gotten to read all the other responses yet, but recently started in the wsm direction myself. It seems to come across to me, in my nuts and bolts thinking process, the main thought behind the wsm is (less) rifle weight, leading to longer hikes in rough terrain. (Think in ultralight hiking terms, shave a little here means more of something else there). So I would be weighing what/where I I intend to acquire with the choice.

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Looking at most data, in order of powder/displacement, ALL OF THE 300'S INCL.
The Saum, Wsm, NormM, H&H, WM, are pretty identical with 180s. The WM with 75ish grains struggling to get to 3100fps. The WbY needs 77 ish to hit about 3170.
It's not till we get to the RUM that hits exactly 3300 but needs 100 grains of Retumbo, then the 30-378 needs 113 grains of it to hit 3400fps.
Even the 0ld man 06 can hit almost 2900 with 61g Ramshot Hunter with a 24 inch barrel!
The 300 RCM is pretty much the 06 with a 26 inch barrel.
The 30 Nosler and PRC seem close to the WBY. There may be some outliers but that's the data.
So here we go again, do we need more cartridges to do the same thing except burn way more powder, be harder to get components for ect.
And to add the exclamation point, hit the NUT BEHIND THE BOLT with about 45 ft-lbs of recoil with the big WBY!
Rethink it.
Big Hmm!
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