300 wm over 300 wsm

Originally that's what Steve recommended to me but my rifle has a short mag box and I load for my 308 win with the 152 hh already so I just loaded the same bullet for both rifles.and if I buy another 300 wsm I want to load the 166 hh for it and keep my 152 for my 308 win
What game are you shooting, or intending? It's been the notion I've picked up that with the hammers, you run way lighter than what's typically imagined. Bean shoots a 300 RUM with 124 HH. LOL!
Have both. Shooting 180HH out of 300WSM maxed out 3,000fps while same bullet hit 3300 in 300WM. Both have 26" barrels. Both are Rem 700's with standard magazine capacity for the 700 actions. The 700 LA has great magazine COAL even stock so you can seat longer heavier higher BC bullets longer. Cannot do that in standard 300WSM SA. The 196HH in the 300WM is crazy fast at 3200+ with RL26.

The 300WSM 166HH hit 3200+ which I think is great compromise for the 300WSM. The 300WM still has the most flexibility between the two cartridges. If you think bigger game at longer distances then 300WM. Case capacity will still win out. The Hammers though in lighter bullets are fantastic even with elk so you can do what you want with 300WSM.

If you build a 300WSM with longer action and magazine you can get better performance but you can never catch the 300WM especially with RL26 in the 300WM.

The question you have to ask is what animal at what max distance I am comfortable shooting within my competency? You will have your answer then.

The age old discussion that the 300WSM can duplicate the 300WM is no different than the 6.5CM dinosaur killer.

So have both, but now prefer my .270TH for pretty much anything I hunt.
Have both. Shooting 180HH out of 300WSM maxed out 3,000fps while same bullet hit 3300 in 300WM. Both have 26" barrels. Both are Rem 700's with standard magazine capacity for the 700 actions. The 700 LA has great magazine COAL even stock so you can seat longer heavier higher BC bullets longer. Cannot do that in standard 300WSM SA. The 196HH in the 300WM is crazy fast at 3200+ with RL26.
That is cooking! How many loads you get per brass?
I really like the 166HH in the 300WSM, shot 1/2 MOA without any tweaking yet. W760 and RL17 have been my GTG powders for the 300WSM and Hammers. I haven't tried IMR4350 but know some have with good results too. Look at the Hammer load data and you will find all sorts of good starting block info. I would not hesitate to shoot an elk with the 166HH at typical mid range 500 etc.

I really like the 166HH in the 300WSM, shot 1/2 MOA without any tweaking yet. W760 and RL17 have been my GTG powders for the 300WSM and Hammers. I haven't tried IMR4350 but know some have with good results too. Look at the Hammer load data and you will find all sorts of good starting block info. I would not hesitate to shoot an elk with the 166HH at typical mid range 500 etc.

I shot some amazing groups with both the HH 181 and 166 through my WSM and H4350.
I've been using n550 in my 300 wsm and the 152 hh I have 4lbs of h4350 ready for some 166 hh. I havnt tryed any other powder that I have because the 152 hh and n550 shot so well in my 300wsm
I now reload for 4 300 WSMs and if you haven't tried it (and if you can find it) RL26 is a game changer for bullets 165gr+. It brings safe WSM loads I've developed on par with typical WM loads (using other powders). Food for thought when making your cartridge decision.
Edit - oops - missed the "If" in IF you can find it (RL26) sorry Sam! And Muddy your 196HH load in 300WM with RL26 is smoking!
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I now reload for 4 300 WSMs and if you haven't tried it (and you can find it) RL26 is a game changer for bullets 165gr+. It brings safe WSM loads I've developed on par with typical WM loads (using other powders). Food for thought when making your cartridge decision.
Thanks for the info I've been looking for some for my 300 wsm and my 270 wsm
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