There is not bullet you can run in the 300WIN that you can not in the 300WBY, and the WBY will be faster. Now if you want to compare a custom WIN to run the longer bullet, then you'd have to comapre it to a custome WBY!
I own and shoot 5 300WBY, 2 300WIN, I shoot 338 WIN and 338 LM, and 375 H&H. but the last three years I harvested with .243, .270 or 30.06, depending on how I feel that day. I took a big Elk with 30.06 and and huge Zebra with 300WBY. 2 shots on the elk, one shot on the Zebra.
Yes, number do not lie, the numbers that count that is. Popularity does not mean something is better. Would you be a VW Bug today because it was the Number 5 overall in sales? Its popular, YES, Better? NOPE
So, I am not going to change your have blinders are not going to change mine, I am an engineer and you dont have the numbers that count on your side.
Shoot what you enjoy, I sure do, and I shoot them all, that is any caliber that is older than 20 years old. New stuff, well, no room in my safe and not selling any to make room.