I have 2 300 WBY's...one for hunting and one for competition.
Comp gun....300 BY, .330 neck, BAT 1.55 round model M , Clay Spencer 1-10 twist finished at 30", fluted to with in an inch of it's life, Shane BR Tracker, Jule Trigger, Bat MAO rings. Fit and chambered by Mr. Spencer.
Hunting gun. Remington Sandro (one of the first off the line back in the mid S). Action squared up, Skim bedded over the aluminum block for a perfect fit, Clay Spencer 1-10 twist 30 inch 300 BY, .330 neck, Remington Varmint contour......NO BRAKE. Work done by Mr Spencer. Romney trigger, Ken Feral 20 MAO basses, Leupold Mk 4 rings.
I will go out on a limb and say that my hunting gun is as accurate (or really close, anyway) as the Comp gun.....just can't soot it as fast or as long before it heats up. Of course it kicks a bunch more, and that doesn't help much. I have shot a zillion targets at long range in perfect conditions (at midnight...zero wind, zero mirage....PERFECT). It has shot a lot of sub 1/4 min groups at distance. I will say without any hesitation that it is a SUB 1/2 min gun.....every day!! I shot it only once in a registered 1000 yard match (shoot off), in less than good conditions, and shot a 5 inch group, which won!!!
It's just that the Lack of weight and stock design limit it's potential.
Oh ya...Freebore......I don't need no stink en' freebore...
Guns are throated for Berger VLAD bullets to touch the lands and have none of the bullet in the case area. The 300 has a very long neck, and I can control neck tension with different bushings. AOL on my match gun is 3.790...Loaded to 3.810 (twenty thou jam). My hunting gun is slightly shorter, but long enough that when I am at the lands, I can't fit the rounds into the mag. The gun shoots just about as good with them seated deep enough to fit in the mag well.
Leupold 8.5-25 on the match gun, Night force 8-32 NSC on hunting gun.
Hunting gun shoots Molly, Match gun shoots uncoated bullets.
I use Norma brass, But am looking closely at the RAWS 375 H&H brass we got with the new gun last week. I don't know if I am that crazy about the whole fire forming deal.....I go through that with my Dasher.....I just HATE the thought of shooting 100 shots worth of bullets, powder, BBL life, primers, TIME, ect...... just to have a little better brass. Like I said, I just started with them....mayby they are a BUNCH better.
In talking with some of the guys I compete with, and if I was to do this whole thing on a 300 RUM, I would use the Nestler Brass, although it is a little scarce right now. I would do everything else the same.