30-06 vs 300 WSM vs 300 Win Mag look at these numbers

IMO, the WSM is by far the better design of the three.
You put enough barrel steel around it's chamber, and you can run hotter loads than the other two, without destroying the brass. A little faster powder with the same fill. Less body taper, higher shoulder angles. Excellent reloading brass that will last longer.
The WSM is also most efficient between them, producing lowest recoil, and lowest muzzle pressures for best bullet release.
This, because more of the WSM's powder is burned in the chamber -instead of combining with bullet weight all the way down the barrel as a slug of unburned powder. Well, that slug burns across your boat tails(like a slap) just outside the muzzle, increasing muzzle pressure(fireball), and ES of course..
The WSM brass will need less sizing, so it won't be trimmed away at the same rate as the other two.

It is just my opinion. But I see no value in comparing older cartridges based solely on capacity. This would lead you down a worse path than broader considerations.
Interesting replies, again thanks for the added information.

The 180gr bullet was chosen to give an apples to apples comparison.

Yes the data can be skewed toward the bigger rounds by using heavier bullets, or show less of a difference than is realistic by using lighter pills. And yes, manufacturers load data is not the end all be all of information to consider but when starting a decision like this it is at least that- a place to start, and errors in the data are likely to be consistently low or high across the board, not leaning in the direction of one round over another.

As stated, any choice will by necessity be a compromise.

While the 30-06 is slower than the rest the extended barrel life is appealing, as is the lower recoil and powder charge. Maybe an AI version just for grins.

The 300 WSM doesn't handle the heavier bullets quite as well as the 300 WM but uses less powder and has better barrel life.

The 7mms have been mentioned, maybe a 280AI?

Again, compromises. Yes barrels don't last forever but I'd like to at least get a couple of years out of it.
That's pretty insane! Especially out of that short of a barrel. I used to load for both a 30-06 and a 300 win mag both with 24" barrels. With the same 180 gr nosler ballistic tip and reloaded 22. 75 gr of reloader 22 was max in the 300 WIN AND 60 gr max in the 30-06. There was (if I remember correctly) about a 250-300 fps difference in velocity. But all rifles act differently.

But to tell you the truth, 200-300 fps using the 180 gr bullet isn't really gonna make too much difference. Where it would shine over the 30-06 is when you shoot the above 200 gr bullets. So I can see what you are saying.
Korhil- the 30-06 federal is a High energy load not offered anymore i believe. out of my remington 700 ti the accuracy was .75 but the recoil was substantial. the factory 300 win mag load was clearly not a stout load. if i was shooting HE loads out of each there would be the 200-300 fps difference.
Interesting replies, again thanks for the added information.

The 180gr bullet was chosen to give an apples to apples comparison.

Yes the data can be skewed toward the bigger rounds by using heavier bullets, or show less of a difference than is realistic by using lighter pills. And yes, manufacturers load data is not the end all be all of information to consider but when starting a decision like this it is at least that- a place to start, and errors in the data are likely to be consistently low or high across the board, not leaning in the direction of one round over another.

As stated, any choice will by necessity be a compromise.

While the 30-06 is slower than the rest the extended barrel life is appealing, as is the lower recoil and powder charge. Maybe an AI version just for grins.

The 300 WSM doesn't handle the heavier bullets quite as well as the 300 WM but uses less powder and has better barrel life.

The 7mms have been mentioned, maybe a 280AI?

Again, compromises. Yes barrels don't last forever but I'd like to at least get a couple of years out of it.

The 300WSM has been out for only a fraction of the time that the either two 30 cals you mentions have. and I am sure they hold more records in 1000 yard shooting that the other two also (and that is with the heavier bullets). If you want to get the real best potiential out of the WSM you need to talk to some bench rest guys or some long range shooters who have used one. it is IMHO the best 30caliber for 1000 yards and under for any game in North America. I can't see anywhere the win mag is better.
as for 7mm's I like the SAUM and the WSM both but if you want any kind of barrel life I would go with a .284. properly throated with a longer barrel it is a great cartridge.
.280 Ack, 06' bbl life with relatively close velocities. Yet you are shooting the high BC 7mm bullets. Light recoil, less powder used, good energy and velocity. Food for thought.lightbulb
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