30-06 vs 300 WSM vs 300 Win Mag look at these numbers

The data was from Hornady's ballistic calculator. The same bullet weight and bc was used for all three and velocities were taken from Hodgdon's load data.

Cartridge Loads - Hodgdon Reloading Data Center - data.hodgdon.com

Ballistics Calculator - Hornady Manufacturing, Inc

I did not use "high" numbers for one round, or "low" numbers for another.

At this point The 300 WSM looks like the winner. The 300 Win Mag is definitely a proven round but realistically I don't need the extra energy.

The other big factor is barrel life. What can I expect from the 300 WSM?
the WSM will easly out shine the 06 and given the right combination will equal or better the winmag too.
Can't take your data from a book though, need to use real life combo's that are proven and you can see first hand.
The WIN and the WSM are equal in many ways in my eye's as far as what they can give you in performance and since they are same caliber it's just preference, the 06 is the dog of the group and I can't see a place for it anymore if I were putting something together.
The 284 win will push a 162 amax 2860+ and at 1k has 52.4" of drift at 1000 yards. And has 2000-2400 barrel life. Very accurate cartridge also.
If the OP is intent on using just 180s then sure, go ahead and just build and 06. Probably will get more barrel life and recoil less. But in my opinion to limit oneself to 180 grain bullets across the entire .30 cal spectrum is a huge waste of potential for the more powerful chamberings. What Hornady ballistic calculator doesn't explain is the potential that a .30 cal rifle has when launching 208-230 grain projectiles. Compared to a 180 grain 06 they are completely dominant ballistically. Whether its a 700 or 1300 yard shot. Wait...probably not going to get a 1300 yard shot with that 06. My 2 cents.
The 300 WIN MAG is the cartridge that most all other cartridges choose to be compared to. There is a reason for this. And I think most of us know the reasonl

Compared to the Winny, most other cartridges are what I like to refer to as "niche" cartridges. That is to say, they seem to perform best within, usually, a narrow window of improvement, if that can be found, over the 300 WM.

When cartridges are compared for their overall versatility, I don't see any that provide more of this than the 300 WIN MAG.
If I were going to build a long range rifle it would most certainly be in a 7MM. The shooting world has changed dramatically from a decade ago. The 7MM just makes more sense than the 30. In this years F Class Open the 7MM took it hands down. The Americans did great but the 6.5 and what few 7.62MM's there were just could not compete in the conditions that existed in the days of the match. The 7MM bore size is the NOW in shooting.
The 3006, RL17 and the 208-210 pills is a formidable hunting combo.

That said, I prefer the 308 over the 3006 and I like the 300WM over the WSM. The WSM does have less recoil than the WM but the WM will always drive the heavies faster.

For a 1K deer rifle, any of these 3 can and will get the job done with the right load. The 06 with the best life and least recoil, the WM with the least amount of drift and most retained energy yet the least life and most recoil. The WSM doesn't give up much to the WM ballisticly and is a great balance and great all around 30 cal cartridge. They all have their pros and cons.

This really boils down to personal preferences. Do you want minimal recoil or the maximum horsepower? OR, something in between?
The 3006, RL17 and the 208-210 pills is a formidable hunting combo.
A couple of years ago I had a Springfield 1903A3 that had been sporterized. Original 1943 barrel on a Fajen stock. It shot just ok. Found a new Remington 2 groove barrel made in 1944 and had it installed. The rifle still shot just ok. Added a bit of forend pressure with a piece of rubber inner tube and it shot much better. Had two pounds of Reloader 17 and a bunch of 165gr Sierra HPBT so I thought what the heck give it a try. Best the old Springfield ever shot and a great hunting combo.
It could be but he stated that he was going to use a 180 gr bullet for each one. His numbers are off quite a bit. There is no way the 30-06 will push a 180 gr pill close to the velocity of the 300 WM.

Korhil- my factory federal 180 partition HE 30-06 ammo gave 2888 fps out of a 22" barrel., my factory 300 win mag 180 tsx clocked 2990 out of a 26" barrel.
can't tell what you are shooting at . if deer -the .284 ; elk -the 300 wim mag. targets 6.5-284.
Shot my 06 today to test the speed of a couple combos. 180 gr at 2775 was within pressure but brutal. This is a rem 700 bdl with sporter barrel at 21 inch. My 165s were at 2775 as well and less painful.
Korhil- my factory federal 180 partition HE 30-06 ammo gave 2888 fps out of a 22" barrel., my factory 300 win mag 180 tsx clocked 2990 out of a 26" barrel.

That's pretty insane! Especially out of that short of a barrel. I used to load for both a 30-06 and a 300 win mag both with 24" barrels. With the same 180 gr nosler ballistic tip and reloaded 22. 75 gr of reloader 22 was max in the 300 WIN AND 60 gr max in the 30-06. There was (if I remember correctly) about a 250-300 fps difference in velocity. But all rifles act differently.

But to tell you the truth, 200-300 fps using the 180 gr bullet isn't really gonna make too much difference. Where it would shine over the 30-06 is when you shoot the above 200 gr bullets. So I can see what you are saying.
Due to the choices left by the OP it should be 300WM. IMO the best balanced round of these 3 related to their purposes.
Personally, I would strongly recommend the 8 mm RM, a very potent round out to 1000yards. Doesn't matter if small, medium seized, large or dangerous game, with the 8 mm RM he''ll be always on the safe side. gun)
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