300 Win. vs 300 WSM

Good point. The amount of powder one uses could be an issue. That is 13 more rounds per 1lb can. I have never had the opportunity to shoot a .300WSM with a 26" barrel and compare apples to apples. JohnnyK.
Thank you all for the great information. Last night we sealed the deal on a new custom build in 300 Win Mag. It will be sending 210 Bergers and we just felt the long action and case would suite us best.

Thanks again!


Broz ,

Congrats on the new additiion, now the waiting begins.:D


Thats the best part it will be done before Christmas.:D:D Long Shot Rifles had the parts in stock. But we are out of cash so the Night force, dies and mounts might take a while.

I am having a couple of BBLs chamberd up for my 1 K comp gun. I was discussing chamber options with my gunsmith(one of the top guys in the country) and the 300WSM came up. I am a 300 wby shooter. My smith says that I just plain don't need that much case capasity. I have had some sucsess with the WBY case, so trying to convince me to change would be a challange!!:D He sugjested the 300 Win mag, stating it pushes the 200 - 240 grain bullets at the optimum speeds with the best load density. I sugjested the 300 WSM, since it had the SFC (short, fat case) design that the benchrest world seems to love. He agreed that the WSM shooters are getting comparible velocitys as the Win Mag shooters........BUT......."AT CONSIDERABLY HIGHER CHAMBER PRESSURES". The WSM is designed around new, modern guns, and thus, higher chamber PSI is acceptible. I am not saying that the WSM is unsafe. Not at all. I am saying that, run at comparible chamber PSI, the 300 Win will run away from the 300WSM with any given bullets. I sugjested to him that the chamber pressure numbers are comparible, from what I saw. He told me that one is in pounds per sq in., the other is in CUP......BIG DIFFERENCE.

Now, this is from my gunsmith...........................I don't own any testing equipment. I have never tried the WSM. I do know that Danny Brooks K I L L E D us at the IBS 1 K nationals in Ohio with a WSM, both LG and HG!!!! So the WSM shoots. No question. But,evdently, if you want to get WIN Mag velocitys out out of a WSM, you need to run at higher pressures.

I just took a quick look in the Hornaday catalog . Comparing 180 grain bullets the 300WSM has a pressure of 63,700PSI ( using 64 grains IMR4350 @ 2990 MV ) the 300 win mag has a pressure of 61,200 PSI ( using 71 grains IMR4350 @ 2974MV ) . So , Yes that's a difference of 2,500 PSI (3.9%) I wouldn't consider that a BIG DIFFERENCE, but, a difference none the less.

The short magnums' cases after firing are hotter, even too hot to handle.
But the .300 WM's are cooler, and you can touch them after firing.
One would think that that would be a clue for longer case life for the cooler ones.

So, the question is: What are you after?
A more efficient load?, or a more efficient case life?

I have a .300 WM (Ruger M77 LH with a Timney trigger), and it shoots almost half-inch groups.
It even shot a 7/8" group at 300 yards.

My Dad's .270 WSM (Browning auto) can shoot, but you have to let the cases cool off before picking them up...
One case landed on a plastic sandwich bag on the bench, melted and stuck to it!
When I picked-up the WSM's case to check for pressure signs, it burnt my fingers like a hot iron. But the old longer WM cases are no problem, for me.

I guess it is a case by case evaluation.

Does anyone who has shot both .300 Winchester Magnums and .300 Winchester Short Magnums experienced hotter cases in the WSMs after firing, or are they about the same temperature?
G-gear, I've shot hundreds of rounds of WSM off a bench and I have never had a problem with hot brass. I havn't noticed that they are any hotter than a standard 30-06 or a 22-250. Brass temp is going to change with brass brand (thickness of the walls and the composition of the material).
I shoot the 270 wsm, and never once noticed brass being hot.

Im on 4 firings thru a bunch of my brass, and am considering one more thru each. The money savings on extending brass life keeps getting less with each additional shot.

use them for 1 shot - 50 cents a shot
use them for 2 shot - 25 cents a shot
use them for 3 shot - 17 cents a shot
use them for 4 shot - 12 cents a shot
use them for 5 shot - 10 cents a shot
use them for 6 shot - 8 cents a shot
use them for 7 shot - 7 cents a shot

for the brass cost of each round.

I do not neck size, and find that if I dont do a real full resize, chambering is tight. I remember from the old shortmag forum that the WSMs do not do well with neck sizing. Your mileage may vary.

I have found the same thing as far as FL resizing. Almost all of the people I have talked to either in person or via forums have the same opinion. WSM's do seem to "bloat" for lack of a better term making neck sizing impractical.

Danny's 300 WSM had 4000 rounds down the tube also when he won this year.

The WSM will run with the Win mag up to and including the 210 bergers and 208 AMAxs. being done every day in the 1k BR game and winning like crazy.

the issue with the 208 AMAX is you need a full 308 barrel like a Hart and not the tighter bore barrels that many mftrs make.

I have 4 WSMs and have loaded for the Win mag also.

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