300 Weatherby Mag. vs. 300 Ultra Mag. vs. 300 WSM

Here's SAAMI's specs for the .300 Wby Mag cartridge and chamber. How does its shoulder numbers compare with the other drawings?

http://www.saami.org/PubResources/CC_Drawings/Rifle/300 Weatherby Magnum.pdf

Most interesting to me is the bullet diameter's spec'd at .3083".

The bullet diameter spec. is a bit perplexing, especially since must bullets I've mic'd over the years are either under diameter or equal to and never over. They did have -.003" in the spec. so is that a variance allowed like the chamber depth has a variance?
Ive got a 300 Weatherby mag and im fixing to step up to a better Scope for some long distance shooting. Ive been trying to get set up for reloading but reloading supplies have dried up as have alot of Factory ammo. Being optomistic and hoping I can step up to a 1000 yard shot with factory ammo, what factory ammo, grain and bullet would yall suggest?gun)
Ive got a 300 Weatherby mag and im fixing to step up to a better Scope for some long distance shooting. Ive been trying to get set up for reloading but reloading supplies have dried up as have alot of Factory ammo. Being optomistic and hoping I can step up to a 1000 yard shot with factory ammo, what factory ammo, grain and bullet would yall suggest?gun)
I buddy has a 300 roy and with wby factories you would be pretty safe standing at 200 yards with 150 grain loads in his rifle. With 180's his rifle will hold around an inch. He's scared to handload it so I haven't helped him to realize the true potential of the rifle; he has an accumark with a brake so I should be able to get it grouping well.
I buddy has a 300 roy and with wby factories you would be pretty safe standing at 200 yards with 150 grain loads in his rifle. With 180's his rifle will hold around an inch. He's scared to handload it so I haven't helped him to realize the true potential of the rifle; he has an accumark with a brake so I should be able to get it grouping well.

Ive got The Vanguard and ive taken it to 500 yards with Weatherby factory 180 gr Interbonds and it also likes Hornady 150 gr interbonds as well. But now im really considering stepping up to a better scope and i'd love to handload but reload supplies are as expensive and/or are non exsistent. Weatherby ammo is not cheap, Hornadys is a little cheaper, if you can find it. What I need to know is are the more expensive 200 gr bullets going to take me way out past 700-800 yards?
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