$2k - $3k Muzzleloader options

My $.02

I would buy a brux or Bartlein from Arrowhead and send it to PVA to be cut as a Prefit for any custom action you have that accepts prefits. Mine is an absolute hammer and I slapped it together in my basement. If I want to shoot something else I just untorque the barrel and it's a rifle again. I hate waiting on gunsmiths with their crazy long waits and even longer delivery times (some are better than others in this regard). Prefits and a few tools from Menards and you can plug and play with premium components and achieve premium results. I'm getting under 1/2 MOA consistently and ES under 20 at 3100 fps with a 300 gr XLD.
While this thread is open please allow a slight side trip.
My very experienced hunting buddy just had a muzzleloader pop fizzle.CVA, 209 primer, Blackhorn powder( carefully stored).
Primer only detonated. Weather was dry , altitude 8000ft, low humidity. Big mule deer was target.
Sounds like?
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