270 win ABolt 1:8 build

Thanks for the reply! I'll keep Kevin in mind for down the road when I look to re-barrel. I'm going to mill out the mag like yours since my bullet tips in the mag are getting beat up during recoil.

How was it working with McMillan on the stock and do you know what the lead time was from order to stock delivered to your smith? Mines a lefty, hopefully they can make those.
McMillen was great to work with also. Lead time was about 8 weeks I think. They don't inlet for the original abolts anymore, they'll ship him a flat top and Kevin does the inleting and paint. Left hand should be no problem at all. The barrel was the longest lead time. Took about 7 months to get the barrel.
Thanks for the reply! I'll keep Kevin in mind for down the road when I look to re-barrel. I'm going to mill out the mag like yours since my bullet tips in the mag are getting beat up during recoil.

How was it working with McMillan on the stock and do you know what the lead time was from order to stock delivered to your smith? Mines a lefty, hopefully they can make those.
McMillen was great to work with also. Lead time was about 8 weeks I think. They don't inlet for the original abolts anymore, they'll ship him a flat top and Kevin does the inleting and paint.
Any suggestions on getting Accubond LR to shoot? Been working up some loads for 165 ABLR, 170 Berger EOL and 175 Sierra TKG. I also loaded some 140 SST today just to seeing how they would do. See attached. The TKG and EOL were both under 1/2" at 100 yards But the ABLR were over 1". At 300 yards the TKG were right at 1-1/2. The EOL were just under 2" at 300 yards and the ABLR were right at 5". I'd like to get the ABLR to tighten up and curious if they can shoot better of if this is typical.
First, thank you for such a great thread, very informative and inspiring to those who have older A bolts and have been told not to rebarrel. My 1989 300 wm was a consideration for a rebarrel until I took 2" off the end and tried the 180 TTSXs, it'll remain as is. In regards to the ABLR's, my experience is solely with the 150's in two 7-08's and as hard as I tried, I gave up and moved to greener pastures. Iv'e seen a few folks who got them shoot well, maybe they'll chime in. Your TGK loads are look to be super solid, Iv'e had some good success recently with the 140's in a 6.5x284. Thanks again for a great thread.
I seated these 2 thousandth off the lands. CBTO was 2.798. I'll try several different seating depths and see if they tighten up.

Man, I'd run that TGK and 170E if you got it to feed right. What's your MV on those two? Got a M-70 LR in 270WSM 8T I need to get started on. Have 170Es for it now.
TGK running 2850, 170 EOL running 2700. TGK is going to my go to on game. It's shooting slightly tighter than the EOL. Burning 51.5 grains of IMR 4831. Looking for some Reloader 26 to see if I can gain some speed.
With the ABLR's, in my experience with just about all of them, if they are going to shoot, they will start shooting around .050 off the lands and most of my ones that have perked were better at .075 and .100" off the lands in my rifles. I'd try making big jumps with them to see what happens.
Tried the ablr seating deeper in .025 increments. Got a little better but not what I'm looking for.

I also shot the 170 EOL again to see if I could repeat my last outing. I did also adjust my zero to be dead on at 100 yards with the 170 EOL. The 165 ABLR groups are at the seating depth that shot the best yesterday.
I replaced my magazine these week and I got the 170 EOL to cycle smoothly. I milled out too much of the aluminum block the first time. See attached. The smaller V grove is my new magazine and cycling all rounds smoothly.
Are the bullet tips getting dented under recoil in your new mag? I milled my .270 a-bolt mag a bunch and used epoxy between inner and outer sections. Could easily have taken out a bunch more and you probably can too.


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Looks like you have a shooter there!! In my .270 1:8tw 700LA, the 165ABLR did not shoot worth darn until I pulled it back close to SAAMI COAL which has been my experience with most ABLR's. They really seem to like a jump. Which of course messes with case capacity. I never got them to shoot anywhere as well as the 175TGK, 156HH, 160Part(!), or plain old 150 AB's. I tried the 150ABLR and it is showing some promise, will see where that ends up someday. The 156HH still shot the best for me but the 175TGK was right there with accuracy like yours. The 170EOL is work in progress for me when I get some more range time. Nice details, thx!