I have taken numerous elk over the years with the 264mag,, 6.5x308 ( now the 260 Rem ) using the Barnes old 120gr"X". Now TSX & TTSX. Also the Badlands Precision ( now out of business) 125grBD, Hammer 121gr HH. Always one shot kills. Most times complete penetration. The classic broad side thru the lungs, has most times been the most elusive shot presented to me. Just about any deer bullet will work on a the broad side lung shot. My longest shot ever was 347yds. Most of the rest has been under 200yd with many under 100yd. I switched to the copper mono's years ago because I had so much meat loss due to blood shot meat from lead core bullets. The worst destroyed, was with my old 338 mag. Many shots have been from acute angles from the front or back. On these types of shots, lots of bone & heavy muscle has to be penetrated. The copper mono's do the least amount of meat destruction, & give penetration out of all proportion to their weight. From all the copper mono's I have used , they all seem to work equally well.