224 valkyrie

I jumped on the 22 Nosler platform just before the Valkyrie was announced. I had some regret about that until I actually got to shoot my AR with the 22 Nosler barrel attached. I used a 20" Proof barrel (with the cam gas porting) on an existing JP (.223) upper I had.

The results are great so far. Excellent accuracy, under 1/2" & closer to averaging 1/4" with the factory 77 grain cartridges. Speed is just under what Nosler published for this load on the Lab Radar.

Not as much regret now, however I'm still looking at the Valkyrie as another option. Then I think - Is another 3 - 13 grains of bullet weight really needed for what I'll use the 22 Nosler for. Probably not, however it's nice to have options.

Nosler has 2-3 grains more powder capacity but I like the longer neck on the Valkrie, especially for the heavy bullets Based off the charts it has nearly 100" less drop at 1000 yards than the 22 nosler loaded with a 77 grain bullet.
Nosler has 2-3 grains more powder capacity but I like the longer neck on the Valkrie, especially for the heavy bullets Based off the charts it has nearly 100" less drop at 1000 yards than the 22 nosler loaded with a 77 grain bullet.
I agree, while I don't really have a need for a .224 Valkyrie, I think overall the case design is better (especially for using the heavy bullets), than the .22 Nosler.
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