224 Valkyrie?

So if I am reading all this correctly. The 6.5 Grendel is inline with the 224V?
I have the 6.5 right now (just picked up an upper) and am looking to build (I have 3 lowers, 1 finished 2 to build) something on the smaller caliber (not mag) and was looking at the 224V.

Waste of time or just add to the collection? LOL
If you already have a 6.5 Grendel, I'd consider the .224 Valkyrie a waste of time and money. But that's just my personal opinion. However, if you're looking to add to your collection as a novelty item, go for it.

If you plan on running a suppressor, the .300 BLK is a fun one to shoot.

And, if you don't already have a 5.56, then that's another one I'd build, simply because ammo is really cheap, and can be found everywhere.
If you already have a 6.5 Grendel, I'd consider the .224 Valkyrie a waste of time and money. But that's just my personal opinion. However, if you're looking to add to your collection as a novelty item, go for it.

If you plan on running a suppressor, the .300 BLK is a fun one to shoot.

And, if you don't already have a 5.56, then that's another one I'd build, simply because ammo is really cheap, and can be found everywhere.

I have three 5.56, one I use for yote hunting 1:9 twist and two others I break out when everyone wants to go pew pewing 1:7 twist plain jane set ups. I was using my 22-250 for yote hunting but it is a big heavy bull barrel (26" barrel on top of it) and was getting a workout just lugging it around. Tac driver but when you are tracking over huge ag fields was just too much after a full day.

I am just trying to see what I want to set the other lowers up in. Other than lower recoil than the 556 or 6.5 I am not sure if it is worth the build.
For my 2 cents Ive spent the past 5 months trying to get a Valkyrie to shoot. Bought a 24" 6.5 $800 C———-k with matched bolt. Wont shoot anything. Won't shoot fed match ammo. Fouls BCG after 25 rounds. Shears copper.At least 40 loads, $300 in components, 11 range trips. 100% Awful. 1.5 to 3 moa regularly. Hornady 88. SMK 90-95. Berger 90s and a bunch more. H380-R17-Varget. Eagle hunters and Fed Match.
Bought a $75 bear creek 1:7 -22" to compare. Shoots everything $800 won't but still nothing like 6.5 to get shooting well. 224 hardest thing to load for ever. Very small nodes. Like walking on the edge of a razor blade.

Met Josh from:
Core Elite Ops
12490 Belcher Rd S
Suite A
Largo, FL 33773
at a show.

Josh builds very hi end operator types. Told him my issues. He told me bout his own 224 Valkyrie barrel/chamber. I signed a NDA and he gave me one to shoot. I put it in the same megalithic matched set the $800 had been in. NF glass. Timney trigger.

Josh has a test barrel with 10k 224s thru it. Still shoots Fed Match 1/2 moa. I cleaned it and went to range. There was no break in needed, just like Josh had claimed. Shot 1 and cleaned several times anyway. Zero copper. Breakin in group was probably 6 or more random loads. All shot into a 1" group. I shot everything I had put thru the $800 and BC that had showed any promise in one or the other. The CEO barrel shot everything (7 loads) sub 1 moa. Several loads shot sub 1/2 moa. IN every case it shot groups half of what the $800 shot. I cannot go into what this barrel is other than to say it was built to shoot Federal Match ammo. Has a custom chamber and process. It shoots bout everything. Best part? $400 or $499 with a bolt.
I'm out $1200 on the $800 stick. What a waste. If you are thinking 224 save yourself the pain and contact josh at:
Core Elite Ops
12490 Belcher Rd S
Suite A
Largo, FL 33773

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So you bought a barrel from Josh Gcan? Is that what I am getting from your post?

So you bought a barrel from Josh Gcan? Is that what I am getting from your post?


Yes. Well he gave me a new one to try. I had no intention of buying it. I shot it last week. I'm going to drive to his shop tomorrow to buy it. I have no desire to give it back.
I got round to cleaning it today. Other than the expected carbon, there was no, none copper in barrel. The BCG was silly clean as was the barrel extension. The brass has minimal growth in all dimensions. Perfect chamber. I'm so disgusted with the barrel I paid $790 for words fail me. However I won't name the smith. Both the Bear Creek and especially the Core barrels are far superior.
I'm going to range in afternoon to break in a 22-250 I finished yesterday. I plan on taking the Core Valkyrie with me.
My wife had knee surgery Friday. Been playing nurse or would have already paid for the barrel and shot it again. Was actually ready to write the Valkyrie off completely.
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So you bought a barrel from Josh Gcan? Is that what I am getting from your post?

In case you think I'm kidding. Right to left. Bear Creek. ($800 junk) and Core.


Just loading up now for range.

I shot the CEO barrel today. 100 yards. 15-20 mph wind variable from 8:00 to target and turning 11:00 to me.
I stopped and bought a box of Federal Match ammo (90 SMK)$35
I think it's fair to say the 6.5 Credemore more was so successful not because Hornady made quality and affordable match ammo, but because Ruger and others also made rifles that shot it well. The same is not true for the Valkyrie. The least we shooters should demand is that if a smith is going to make an $800 barrel it should at the very least shoot the available factory match ammo well. Do you think that's fair? I do. This is not the case with the Valkyrie. Threads are rife with endless Valkyrie loading questions. What works for some seldom works for others. Until CEO purpose built a chamber and (process) specifically to shoot Federal Match ammo it is rare to hear bout anyone having an easy go if this round. The Valkyrie is not a wildcat. A person should not buy any SAAMI round and then be forced to load for it.

Core Barrel:

The flyer at 11 o clock was me having a momentary oldtimer's parkinsonian twitch on the first cold/clean bore round. The dot is 5/8". Off simple V front and flat rear bags on wood bench. Not best set up There are 10-rounds in that group. I stopped when I shot the one at 2 o clock. Absent the flyer it shot 9 rounds sub 3/4" in a stiff wind. Might also interest you to know that that group was shot using an old 4.5-14 x Springfield Armory scope @ 14X. Old Stag forged lower. Mega upper. Timney trigger. Stag 6.8 BCG. No break.


The group below is from the $800 barrel. Matched Mega upper/lower. Jewel trigger. Fail Zero Carrier and Matched bolt. NSX scope. Omega break. That barrel shot 1.1" right away. That group indicates to me barrel whip is all over the place.


I'm not trying to sell anything. Just passing on info on many months of frustration. I bought the $800 barrel based on recommendations from 224 blogs. And its junk. The Smith assures me it's identical to his 1300 other barrels and doesn't seem willing to take it back.
After extensive load development for the $800 barrel I am certain it will never shoot. The fluting seems far to deep. .200 web thickness forward the gas block and .167" wall under tube. The ODs are .997" and .918" respectively.

However, based on the CEO barrel consistently shooting everything well, I am certain I will easily find more than one load to shoot 1/4" or better from it. If the $$$ barrel, and all the seemingly frustrated ppl are an indication, finding a out of the box barrel that can shoot 1/2 MOA at 1000 using off the shelf ammo is a GOOD thing.


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I've built 2 and 1 has been a battle. 2 exact same barrels and my personal one has given me fits for reliability. The one I assembled for my hunting buddy was 100% reliable with factory 90gr, but I'm fighting mine with FTF and FTE. Factory 60gr ammo is some of the dirtiest rounds I've ever shot through an unsuppressed semi auto. I'm hoping to have some time to hot rod some 52gr ELDms soon.
I've built 2 and 1 has been a battle. 2 exact same barrels and my personal one has given me fits for reliability. The one I assembled for my hunting buddy was 100% reliable with factory 90gr, but I'm fighting mine with FTF and FTE. Factory 60gr ammo is some of the dirtiest rounds I've ever shot through an unsuppressed semi auto. I'm hoping to have some time to hot rod some 52gr ELDms soon.

I just don't get the Valkyrie. I built mine to shoot 1000 yards. Seems like its throwing darts whether you get a good one or a bad one. 308 Win it is not.

The big bore stuff is too $$$. And to easy for the 1000 range. I thought the 224 would help me work on wind and dope and also be a competitive round. If it won't shoot 90-95s its just another hotrod 22. If I'm forced to shoot 55-62 pellets, I'm shooting a 22-250. The whe idea of the Valkyrie is high BC- heavy for caliber bullets.

It might make a decent dog or pig gun with light bullets but like the 22-250 going 3700fps, the 52s are going to go sub sonic at 600 yards.
I'm actually off to a gun show now to meet up with Josh from Core Elite Ops. Might even buy another one barrel if he has one.
Have a nice C—————-k built Bartlein for sale. Truly I wouldn't sell it to anyone.
Valkyrie appears to be more specialize round with limited bullet selection, Grendel has a nice range of available bullets. The areas where the Valkyrie out proforms the grandel is pretty much splitting hairs, certainly not enough to give up the bullet selection.
Valkyrie appears to be more specialize round with limited bullet selection, Grendel has a nice range of available bullets. The areas where the Valkyrie out proforms the grandel is pretty much splitting hairs, certainly not enough to give up the bullet selection.

Story of my life. You are right. The 6.5 was the clear "Proven" choice. I'm just one of those idiots always has to have the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip.

It was a coin toss for me between 6.5G and Valkyrie. Should have just built a 6.5. All good now I hope. Finally have a 224 barrel that shoots. Going to buy a 6.5G too. Its just a barrel, bolt and dies.
Well, that's been the new trend since Savage supporters started bashing Remington all over the place, making wild-*Rule 4 Violation* exaggerated claims about their lack of accuracy (not there hasn't been a few problems, every manufacturer has had them, including Savage), and then it's continued with the 6.5CM supporters claiming that the .308 Win is "old, slow, and outdated", and that the 6.5CM has magical properties that can only be surpassed by the .300WM, .300NM, and .338 Lapua (military sniper cartridges, of course), continuing now with claims that the .224 Valkyrie has magical abilities, and the exaggerated BS will continue when the 6.5 PRC drops.

This world needs to get back to being able to comprehend facts, doing their own research, and learning how to develop a BS-0-meter, instead of just believing everything someone else says. Sometimes in life you have to roll-up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and figure something out for yourself. Today's people don't seem to understand this concept...They just believe everything they saw on FB, or saw on some random internet website. :rolleyes:

This post will probably *Rule 4 Violation* alot of people off, but it's not my intention, and I also really don't give a crap if it *Rule 4 Violation*es anyone off. It's my opinion, I'm allowed to it, just like everyone else is allowed to their's.
Love the BS-0 meter idea. This concept could be used
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