224 Valkyrie?

Never resolved that 224 barrel. Sent the barrel to a nice member. He measured chamber found some issues. Sent barrel back to Bartlein for their comments. Found same stuff member did. Instead of returning the barrel they sent it back to the maker. That was 5 months ago. Still have no resolution from maker. He has my $790 and the barrel but at least I'm not burning money trying to get it to shoot. Took up sporting clays.
Yep, sold my Rock River 6.8 barrel and bought a Ballistic Specialties Ultralight stainless fluted 224 barrel and carbon handguard. Cut over a pound from my coyote rifle. Took to indoor 100 yd underground range we have here and shot 1/2 inch groups! (match ammo, Fusions not so good, have not tried new Hornady ELDX load yet but I bought a box)Right with the best of any bolt gun I have owned. I like the versatility of a much heavier bullet for larger game. Cool round. Had my CDS cap set up for it.
Yep, sold my Rock River 6.8 barrel and bought a Ballistic Specialties Ultralight stainless fluted 224 barrel and carbon handguard. Cut over a pound from my coyote rifle. Took to indoor 100 yd underground range we have here and shot 1/2 inch groups! (match ammo, Fusions not so good, have not tried new Hornady ELDX load yet but I bought a box)Right with the best of any bolt gun I have owned. I like the versatility of a much heavier bullet for larger game. Cool round. Had my CDS cap set up for it.
Yep. Lots of ppl have great luck with the 224. It just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I have a Core Elite Ops barrel that shoots great.
I'm shooting clays now.
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