210 berger expansion test

Round led balls have been putting meat on the table long before our time
You forgot rocks and pointed sticks. OOOPs almost forgot about sticks with flaked rock on the end which was consider to be plenty of medicine for wooly mammoths. I bet there was better lethality with the arrows than bergers because if the mammoth got away it wasnt a lost trophy but a lost paycheck err uhh meal. I hear so many stories about these invincible deer/elk/sasquatch that ran off and were lost after being struck right dead square in the boiler room with a berger. Amazes me that an animal can get hit in the heart with 180 grains of anything and not die. Maybe we should give people dying of heart attacks berger lead since that seems to save hundreds of internet cowboys animals.
I wonder if the natives were good trackers? Wonder how many internet cowboys are?
You forgot rocks and pointed sticks. OOOPs almost forgot about sticks with flaked rock on the end which was consider to be plenty of medicine for wooly mammoths. I bet there was better lethality with the arrows than bergers because if the mammoth got away it wasnt a lost trophy but a lost paycheck err uhh meal. I hear so many stories about these invincible deer/elk/sasquatch that ran off and were lost after being struck right dead square in the boiler room with a berger. Amazes me that an animal can get hit in the heart with 180 grains of anything and not die. Maybe we should give people dying of heart attacks berger lead since that seems to save hundreds of internet cowboys animals.
I wonder if the natives were good trackers? Wonder how many internet cowboys are?
I've only seen one kind of animal that can routinely run over 300 yards with it's heart and lungs shot out and that's big (over 350lbs) boars. I have seen some Antelope with massive holes in them run up to 200 yards.

Lest we forget the 6.5mm's are still the most popular big game rounds in Europe and have successfully take every species of wild game in Africa as well for nearly a hundred years.

Put it in the spine, put it through the heart/lungs or even liver and nothing will survive long.
I've only seen one kind of animal that can routinely run over 300 yards with it's heart and lungs shot out and that's big (over 350lbs) boars. I have seen some Antelope with massive holes in them run up to 200 yards.

Lest we forget the 6.5mm's are still the most popular big game rounds in Europe and have successfully take every species of wild game in Africa as well for nearly a hundred years.

Put it in the spine, put it through the heart/lungs or even liver and nothing will survive long.

I dont know Ive seen whitey does hit with a 300 smk with no guts or lungs still in them run 250+. Hit her in the brisket and bullet went down thru the bottom of her stomach and everything fell out. NOTHING LEFT. Wild. Of course I guess the bullet failed cuz I had to track her. Of course I coulda drank 3 gals of everclear and found her.
Ironic that Bell used the 6.5 looooong fmj on ......dumbo. Sectional density does matter for bullet performance. Either that or buy a "PREMIUM" bullet and then you can disregard all common sense and shoot t-rex's with 22s as long as you use a $4 dollar solid copper pre cut high bc low drag razor petal havin bullet.
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