2023 Meat Pole

I pressured canned yote once with onion soup mix - turned out rather good if I may say so!
okay I know this thread is about things already killed but I just want to show you guys what we are chasing. If he was 200 yards to the north this evening we could of had him. He let us take some nice pictures anyway. I'd guess him in low to mid 170"
Hopefully I can show you guys pictures if the wife can get him.
That's field dressed or live?
That would be alive. He'd prob dress 175 or more. I'm just guessing. He's a big boy.
I loaded my buck this year whole into my truck to take him to my brother in laws to hang on tractor and it was frigging heavy. It took every ounce of muscle I had to get it done and got hemroids now 🤣🤣
Just kidding on the Roids
Last Saturday, about ten degrees with 4" of crusty snow three drivers and 6 watchers spread around a large mt. 5 miles all the way around. I took the arm on the left and we still hunted and crunched towards each other. Deer beds, fresh scrapes and sign everywhere. Darn good bear track to add to the excitement too. We were going to bark the backside above the watchline. I was sneaking along when I thought I heard someone. Nope, a deer! He was coming up steep angle below. I saw bone and had a little panic as he was in thick green made worse by the scope. I did turn up the magnification just randomly as I was off hand and he was a long way down. Finally some more walking and he is there. Boom. He completely disappeared!! What! No sound no running nothing. So I put my eye on the spot and get down there. Standing right above the spot and no deer running or shots below. Wow! 15 yards below I look in a hole and there he is!! Hammered. Hit him very top of the shoulder and out the middle of other side. He was still alive so I ended the suffering. Top of the lungs were gone and thumb size hole exit. Kimber Montana .280AI 131 HH

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