2020 LRH group hunt for elk with non-typical outfitters in western wyoming

I have not done a high country hunt yet, i am starting to train for it. i was shooting prs type events but the family doesnt let me get away as much anymore for matches. i always get time to hunt. i am going to get a point this year and next and see how it goes from there. This site is awesome and it is what got me started in long range shooting. Thank you everyone.
I'm sure Rob is finishing out the season as I write this but does anyone know if there is any spots left? Im sitting on 5 points and this looks like a great camp.
I had 2 spots spoken for but me and my buddy didn't get the weeks on the vacation calender at work so we had to back out. Unless someone else has scooped them up there may be 2 spots open now
It was unfortunate but I did manage to get a week in May so I'm going on a bear hunt with them and then going back a couple weeks before the group hunt to try to get an antelope if I can draw the tag. Still gonna be a pretty eventful year. This would have been my 3rd group hunt though and the last two have been great. Always a super fun bunch of guys to hang out with and NTO puts in a tremendous amount of work to get you on the Elk.
It sounds like a deal you cant beat. I just got back from Wyoming on a DIY deer hunt and an antelope scouting trip. I may try to hunt antelope and then head up to elk camp if I can get this to work out.
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