2017 LRH Group Hunt For Elk with Non-Typical Outfitters

Elk. I believe it's around an 80% draw with 1 point and 100% with 2 on a regular tag. Bought 3 licenses last night for $591 each. Now, I believe moose is up in that 6-10 point range!
You all will have a great time. I've been on the group hunt twice and I'm currently saving up my mule deer points, I'll have 5 when I purchase this summer, and while waiting for my mule deer points to get where I need them and rebuilding my elk points a friend of mine and I are going to go see Robb and the crew in the fall of 2018 for an antelope hunt. Hopefully if all goes well when the antelope hunt is over I'll have enough points to draw for the mule deer and then after that my elk points will hopefully be back to where I can draw again. It's a never ending cycle!
Do we have a full group? We are getting crazy excited. Going out a week early to see Jackson Hole and Yellowstone and get acclimated to the altitude. Anything else you recommend seeing? Anything you'd recommend is to bring that you've found particularly useful?
Do we have a full group? We are getting crazy excited. Going out a week early to see Jackson Hole and Yellowstone and get acclimated to the altitude. Anything else you recommend seeing? Anything you'd recommend is to bring that you've found particularly useful?

I'm not positive whether Non-Typical has a spot or two available still but we have at least 10 hunters so it will be a great group. My dad and I can't wait to get back out there!

You'll have a great time visiting Jackson and Yellowstone. Have you been to either before? The drive through Teton National Park is fairly short and sweet and very beautiful.

I personally have found that bringing a simple, lightweight foam butt cushion to sit on while glassing and sitting for long periods can make a huge difference in warmth and comfort.

Most guys ride their horse wearing a backpack with their day hunting gear. I'm fairly short (5-8) so I have to use a relatively short backpack. A longer pack pinches my rear end between the pack and the cantle - FYI.
Great info! I didn't even think about a backpack OR a cushion! We're in VA, and there's 4 of us coming (3 hunters) including my dad, son, and bro-in-law. So, we're going to take 3 days driving out and seeing some of the country. I've never been to WY. My dad went out a few times 20 years ago and always struck out. So, I'm hoping for some good luck. None of us have ever killed an elk. So, this is a bucket-list trip for sure.
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