2015 LRH Group Hunt For ELK - RIFLE & ARCHERY choices

Hey Len I could not print off the form to sent money for that hunt next year. Could you resend the form so I can get the money in the mail today?
Thank you
Sent deposit in 2 weeks ago for 2015 Elk, and 2016 Mule Deer.
I hunted with NTO with the 2014 LRH group. I would highly recommend this outfitter.

Soon. I need to get 2 more real hunts finished and then I'll get the 2016 deer offering out to everyone. Just a few more weeks please.
Here is the answer. And a big correction on what I had said initially in the offering post.

With ZERO points in the SPECIAL draw, odds were 86% in 2013 and 65% in 2014.

And yes, we have room for all of you three plus a few more in the rifle camp and several more in the archery camp.
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