2015 LRH Group Hunt For ELK - RIFLE & ARCHERY choices

Myself and my son (a new LRH member) are in for the rifle hunt. Since he is off at college, I'm just waiting for him to sign and scan the form back to me. Should go out in the mail this weekend.

Email to follow...

I hope you do. Tommy said it was great and a must do. I've never been on a hunt like this before but have wanted to do so for a long time. It's on my bucket list...
Yes for both!

We are driving home from a phenomenal group elk hunt right now.

Just fabulous.

More later.

Yea, I have been talking with Jim..
Got his first elk!!! Congrats Jim and all of you guys..
We are going for deer in 2016 with nontypical.
Are you smiling now Len? Replaying the times shared with good people in some of the best country on earth... This is why I hunt..
Just my 2 cents.

How many spots open for archery elk left?
Trying to decide if I want to burn 4 points on this area or not.
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