2016 LRH Group Hunt For ELK in mountains of Wyoming

As I emailed you yesterday, I am in for another rifle hunt for my son. I need to talk to you about logistics though. Paperwork to be sent today.
All the 2016 spots are now committed. Paperwork and deposits for all but a few are already received by NTO.

It is not uncommon for some guys to either not follow through or to simply back out.

So if you want to be on the waiting list send your paperwork AND deposit to NTO immediately. This would also qualify you for the first available spots for the 2017 elk hunt.
Hey guys. Some help here. I've been trying to get a group together for a while, and it never pans out. I'm tired of waiting. I've called the outfitter several times the last few days, and left Brenda 2 messages as well. I'm worried that I'm going to miss out for next year if I don't buy points today. Can someone clarify and summarize this crazy WY regulation sheet I'm trying to decipher?? Do I need to buy 2 points by today to save $500 on my license and to have the best shot at a draw? You need at least one point a year in advance, but 2 saves you the most money and gives you the best chance?? I'm trying to leave town to get to WV and in a treestand by this afternoon, but I want to get this taken care of first. Please help!!
You can only buy one point. You'll have to do like me and buy one then they'll help you put in for the special draw in January. All you need to do now is buy the one point. They're slap in the middle of hunting season right now so they'll be a little hard to get a hold of. Needles to say there definitely ain't no cell service or internet where they're at right now. Ha ha. They'll get you taken care of though they are a great bunch to work with. I was the same way last year, like Brenda told me. Relax. This is supposed to be fun
haha. thanks. I'm in panic mode. So, my group of 4 are going to buy our points right now. What area?
Len, I would like to sign up my two sons for the 2016 elk hunt. I would also like to tag along as a non hunter. I will send the checks today.


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