2010 Wyoming Trip

Hi Guys, I'm new to this site and just wanted to say hello. Myself and two friends will most likely be hunting A7 for antelope Oct 1, 2, 3. and staying in New Castle at the Hilltop Motel. This is our first time to Wyoming and will be learning as we go so any advice will be greatly appreciated. We are from Amherst OH which is 30mi west of Cleveland on Lake Erie. We are assuming we will draw A7 with out a problem. Will be hunting the WIAs and BLM.
Hey guys just a question there are some spots that I can walk a long ways in in that zone and was wondering if it is leagal to spike camp out there on public land or not. Also on the map I got from maptrails it shows roads all the way down to a two track how do I know if it is a private road or not.
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Welcome whopperstopper, I am fairly new to this forum too....The members here are very helpful and are full of a wealth of knowledge about LRH.....The area you are hunting is just north and east of where I will be (A27) in fact I saw lots of lopes in A7 passing through on a couple of previous trips.....I have often thought of applying there also...Let us know how you do.......By digging in old posts on this site you will find an answer to almost any question you have....Don't be afraid to ask....

You can camp on BLM land anywhere for up to 14 days at a crack....You can also camp anywhere on Forest Service land (TBNG etc.).....You can not camp on WY state land at all....
Remember that corner crossings are not allowed in WY and considered trespassing although WY has no real law against it....The airspace above the corner is not owned by the adjacent landowner.....But a GPS is not accurate enough to put a person exactly on the corner...There fore it would be impossible to prove that you were not trespassing without the help of a certified surveyor.....

Maybe it is time to buy a chopper..LOL

Thanks MN, I'll probably be asking a lot of questions before Oct. if Ya don't mind? In fact I have 2 now. 1) After we get a lope is it legal to skin and quarter in the field or do we have to go to a processor? 2) If we fill our tags early is it legal to varmint hunt/ ground hogs?
Each walkin area has its own rules for what you can or cannot hunt.

If you skin and quarter it you must leave evidence of sex. They will check!!

You must carry your hunter safety card in the field with you. They will check!!!!
make sure yo have your conservation stamp. They will check!!!

Things you might see that you might can hunt. Cottontail and jack rabbits, coyotes, and prairie dogs. Do not be shooting ravens, sage grouse, hawks, buzzards or eagles. Check the regs first. Wyoming has more LEOs than antelope. They will ticket you in a flash because that is what they are paid to do. They will also help you find antelope and give you good advice. I normally am checked once every three days and I just tell them the name of the last guy who checked me and they go on about their business.
I am planning to call to Wyoming F&G to clarify the evidence of sex requirement. Our deal is we never quarter in the field. We take them back to the ranch we hunt from and camp at then at some point debone and quarter for the ride home in coolers. I want to clarify if we still have to maintain an attached evidence of sex once they are in completely deboned and in the cooler back at the ranch. I think I know the answer but would like to know for sure!

In ten years of hunting private land in Wyoming, I have never been checked in the field. However, all the wardens I have encountered at roadside checks and at butchers have been very polite and professional, thorough, but professional.

Each walkin area has its own rules for what you can or cannot hunt.

If you skin and quarter it you must leave evidence of sex. They will check!!

You must carry your hunter safety card in the field with you. They will check!!!!
make sure yo have your conservation stamp. They will check!!!

Things you might see that you might can hunt. Cottontail and jack rabbits, coyotes, and prairie dogs. Do not be shooting ravens, sage grouse, hawks, buzzards or eagles. Check the regs first. Wyoming has more LEOs than antelope. They will ticket you in a flash because that is what they are paid to do. They will also help you find antelope and give you good advice. I normally am checked once every three days and I just tell them the name of the last guy who checked me and they go on about their business.
Buffalobob and 7mm are correct......I asked the warden two years ago and he said if it is a buck and you have the head that is all you need and if it is a doe you need the vagina attached to the meat if you aren't keeping the head.....The old wording said that the visible external sex organs or other proof of sex must remain attached to an edible portion of the carcass...(We bagged a the doe lopes "double barrel with a small chunk of rump roast still attached to it)....When we got home my wife asked me what was in that bag?.....I said scrap and threw it away...LOL

This past year the proof of sex evidence wording was modified....
The new wording states that either the sex organs or head must "accompany" the whole carcass or edible portions.....Meaning to me, cut off the vagina and and put it in a baggy (it no longer must be attached).....You could also carry out the does head if you need more exercise....

In WY & MT we completely de-bone our animals in the field....get the cooling started quicker.....much easier to pack out....a lot less work when you get back to camp.....If you are deer hunting in a CWD area it is suggested to completely debone the animal before removing it from the area......A word of caution is to watch the wind direction and where you are walking around when butchering in the field....the dust and hay seed really fly around.....We carry special ground clothes made from "building wrap (Tyvek)"....they fold nice, lay flat, are light, don't take up much room in the pack, and don't blow around as bad as poly tarps.....I cut them about 4 feet square....Lay a piece on the ground up wind of the animal and place your cuts on it leave about half of the ground cloth up wind of the meat to fold over the meat if the wind is really gusty....This keeps the meat a lot cleaner than any other method I have tried other than doing at home in the garage.....The hide itself serves as a ground cloth while you are working on the animal..first one side, then roll it over for the other......If you are going to cape the buck then a second ground cloth would probably be a good idea....

As far as the hunter safety certificates in WY, you need one if you were born on or after Jan 1, 1966 or you need one at any age if you are hunting area 75 or 79......apparently there must be quite a bunch hunting over there with all that public land.......I started working as a WI Hunter Ed Instructor in 1984 and loved every minute of it for years until I moved out of state in the late 90s...We are all seeing the results of the program as nationwide hunting accidents gradually decreasing every where....

If you haven't downloaded the regs they are available at the G&F site....You will find a lot of your answers in there....

The 3-Ring Binders are truly a plus to keeping your hunt and hunt plan organized..

Here I thought I invented that one..LOL...I have been using a 3 ring binder with sheet protectors for the last three trips to WY....I actually have one for each area weve been.....I keep phone numbers of my contacts out there, game laws, conservation stamp, licenses etc......I print 8-1/2 x 11 blowup maps off my BLM CD by MapTrails.....You can print these color topo maps to any scale you wish....A map of the area you are currently hunting can be unsnapped out of the binder and conveniently fits in the pack....along with the license and consevation stamp in another sheet protector....Really works great for us...The warden was even impressed.....One thing I want to do is start scotch taping the sheet protectors shut......A little rain or snow has gotten in several times and screwed up the top edge of my maps by bleeding the printers ink......

Just a thought for you guys that are planning your trips....

I think one of the best tools used in planning my WY trips is the Map Trails BLM CD.......They have everything you will find in the printed maps for the whole state......MapTrails.com no longer sells these directly but here is a link to one place where you can find them now.... New Mexico | Public Lands Information Center | Books and Maps ...The price is about $60 bucks now it was around $50 4 years ago when I bought mine.....This is truly a bargain if when you start buying the BLM maps at $4 a crack......

Hello again guys!

I was without decent internet access for a quite a while, but it's good to be back.

Someone on this post had questions about area 7. I've got some knowledge of that area. Feel free to PM me or get back with me on this post.
Good to have you back on SBRUCE.

When I pasted in the link about the WY BLM CD I goofed part way...here is the link as it should have read but the other will still get you there....New Mexico | Public Lands Information Center | Books and Maps

I am anxiously waiting for the draw results...end of June (or there abouts)....A friend from Michigan says he will meet me out there for part of my hunt so looks like I don't have to stay alone with the coyotes after all.....He will try to pick up a leftover license for deer and doe lope.....

I just picked up another old savage and might be building another lope gun but have not totally decided yet....The 110 is a pre 1966 so I machined the bolt to accept the newer style bolt head....The old trigger is adjustable and not too bad at all.....I screwed on a 30-06 barrel I had in the closet and shot it a few times with some factory ammo I had laying around and it really shot decent considering the sand bags were froze solid on my bench....It was a 7mm mag but I didn't even try to shoot it before I remodeled the bolt....They kick too much for me....So it might be any bodies guess what I might re-barrel it to, but I was thinking along the lines of a 260 rem or .243...that way my grandsons and grandaughter may use it as their first deer gun....And gramps my break it in for them...LOL

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