2010 Wyoming Trip

It looks like that link wants to stay where its at....There is a pull down box on the left that will let you choose WY......The BLM cd is then listed way down at the bottom of the main page (for those that may be interested)...


Good to hear that you've got some company for the trip. A couple of guys sure seem to make things easier sometimes. I've got a couple of projects in the works too, hopefully at least one of them will be finished by june. It's a 6X47Lapua Improved. Really a coyote gun, but should be great for long range antelope this fall too. I think the 243/260/7-08/308 group is great for beginners (grandchildren and such) My son started with a 243 and is still using one, he's taken alot of deer with it.

We'll stay in touch, and maybe get together in October.
Welcome back SBruce, I was starting to think this thread was dead. That was me asking about A7. We (3) put in for that area and if successful will be staying at the Hilltop Motel. Most likely we will be hunting WIA #8 and surrounding area, again this is our 1st time out so any input would be greatly appreciated. Thought we would do some PDs if we get our lopes early, any thoughts? Planning on getting to Newcastle on Sept 30th and look around. Tentative WG&F has Oct-1st(Friday) as the opening for A7. We realize that could change but would probably still be there on the 30th. So our plans as of now are to hunt Fri. Sat. Sun. and if needed Mon.
Hello whopperstopper,

Yea, I know where WIA 8 is. WAI 3 and adjoining public land borders some of our deeded pasture on the Mush Creek Rd, not far from WAI 8. Getting out there a day early is a good plan, because opening day might be a zoo. Probably not so much if you plan on walking in and getting off the beaten path though. Opening day has always been 10-01 as far back as I can remember.

I usually see tons of people and vehicles around the public land in A7 for the first couple of days after the season opens, double when it falls on a weekend. Most of them seem to be "road hunting" however. What I mean is.........they seem to drive the county roads until they spot some antelope, then they'll get out and try to put a sneak on. This obviously can and does work, and it's legal to do on public land; but personally, I'd get in there early, hike back in a mile or so off the beaten path, get set up in a good vantage point, and hopefully let them move the antelope towards me. :D

Once the antelope start getting pushed around and spooked, ambushing works better than spot and stalk. This area generally has very little traffic, so when season starts, the game seem to know it right away. The exception would be in the oilfields. Those antelope are used to seeing vehicles come and go pretty regular without getting shot at.

Not sure where you reside, you may be used to seeing alot of people when you go hunting.?? If the weather is warm and dry, your best bet may be to concentrate your hunting (especially mid day) near or around some water. Even if it's just a stock tank, sometimes that's the only water around. Ponds or creek is better if they've got water in them.

Well, gotta get off here for now, catch ya later.
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I was on the Howard road yesterday. Most of it is not gravel. You will probably want to pack a set of tire chains and tighteners/bungees with you.

You may not need them, but if it rains or snows you will probably ge glad you have them! Alot of this dirt around here is "gumbo" or has quite a bit of bentonite in it. Just a little moisture and it gets VERY slippery/sticky.

I run 35" Super Swampers, 4.63:1 gears, 6" lift with traction bars and limited slip in the rear / locker in the front, truck weighs about 10K lbs, balanced evenly................two season's ago, I was chained up (all four tires) for 3 or 4 days in a row. This is the exception rather than the rule, but don't waste your trip due to lack of traction. It would sure suck to be limited to the gravel roads/pavement if it decides to rain while you're here. You don't necessarily need the mods that I run, but Tire Chains alone can make all the difference in the world!

I haven't yet been on the Dunham Rd, Butcher Rd, Cowger Rd, or Oil City Rd. I can probably ask the county guys if they're graveled or not if you are concerned??

Let me know.
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Don't forget the hunters safety card!!! If they stop you, they will want to see one. Hunted last year south of new castle. Had a great time. no shots. but a great time. headed back to unit 24 again this year for antelope. can't wait.
Greetings SBruce,

Draw worked out great....A27 buck, A27 doe/fawn and Deer B.....I have been anxiously waiting for the last tag (deer) to come in the mail, the antelope tags came almost 2 weeks ago....Never did talk my sons into going with me but my friend from MI definitely is going to meet me out there...

My friend is applying for a leftover deer tag...There is quite a few left over again so he shouldn't have a problem getting one...Problem might be finding the deer....Both of us are not afraid of walking a good distance off the roads and we are all ears if you might know of any places like that where we can really get away from the crowds that might hold a good deer or two....Do you know much about the south end of the Black Hills on the WY side....There seems to be some pretty decent blocks of land there without roads...Maybe some of it can only be accessed off the SD side but that might be alright if there is a decent deer population.....

My last question is what are the chances of finding a good whitetail buck in Deer B?...An earlier post of yours talked about the "any whitetail" areas in 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and I believe 10 is in that tag this year...With that second tag a person can shoot a second buck if I understood right....and there are some of those tags leftover also....Money is kind of tight right now, my only daughter was married June 26 and all the bills are still not paid...So I wouldn't buy that extra tag if you thought it might be a real waste....

Area 10 has absorbed what was 167 and is only 5 day hunt for antlered mule deer.....But that any whitetail season runs for 2 months.....We only saw one whitetail when we were there in 2007 in 167, so I think that there are not too many......

I am still looking forward to salami and beer night at the Bruce Ranch....I am even rationing some of my Bratburger to add to the mix....LOL

Talk to you soon,
...Maybe some of it can only be accessed off the SD side but that might be alright if there is a decent deer population.....

The SD GFP has cut the # of Black Hills deer tags a fairly good amount due to low population. Most hunters I know don't even bother with the hills deer. I would imagine that the small portion of the BH that is in WY would be the same.

Good luck.
Guess I better make a little extra salami:D. Anybody have a preference, jalepenos or not?? Seriously, I'll be making it soon, let me know! I know one of our regulars prefers it without peppers.
Alright boys, the salami is made!

October 6th just can't get here fast enough.........that new Edge is getting anxiousgun)!!

I've been up late tonight organizing gear.............
Not that you fellas need more fuel for your Wyo fire, but this might get you amped for your hunt. My unit opened up last Saturday. The Savage 110BVSS in 6.5x284 worked great. Only 356 yards, but the 140 Berger VLD made for DRT.

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