2010 Wyoming Trip

Hey guys! I will be hunting deer in unit 22 and antelope unit 25. I will be arriving OCT3rd in glenrock. I will probably be traveling to newcastle to visit if we tag out early. Good luck guys!
Scoutin' Wyo,

This past week at work seems like the longest one of my life!....After seeing your buck the two days I am working next week might go by slower yet....LOL.....I am leaving next Tuesday evening for my favorite state and would be proud to get a lope 1/2 as nice is yours (of course they are all nice)....Good job Scoutin, that is a dandy.....

Good luck again everybody,
Scoutin' Wyo

That a dandy buck for sure.

Good luck to all you guys heading to WY and hope you have a safe trip. Myself and fellow LRH member mo, will also be headed to WY in about 3 weeks to deer hunt in Region R. My brother-in-law will be going for his first time, so we might pick up a left-over antelope tag if time permits. Post some pics when you guys get back.
Good luck to all of you on your goat hunts. I'm sure missing the trip to Wyoming this year but I drew a Elk tag in Oklahoma, archery tag in KS and promised to help a friend with his Antelope hunt in the Oklahoma panhandle next weekend.
I usually hunt around Casper, Hat Six Ranch each year for goats.
Enjoy the hunts and keep the photos coming.

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