165 gr VLD in .270 Winchester?

I half way tested the 7 mm 190 matrix for bc. And it was within about 10 points of advertised bc. But all I did was zero at 200 yds then shot at 1150yds and confermed drop.
I half way tested the 7 mm 190 matrix for bc. And it was within about 10 points of advertised bc. But all I did was zero at 200 yds then shot at 1150yds and confermed drop.

What was your load and FPS for those 190's I might be way off base, but when I worked up some berger BC's it came to a point where a slower higher BC bullet the transition to subsonic at less distance. So it became unsuitable for actually trying for small groupes at 1000 yards.
I think the .270 with the 165's should be right in there with the 7 Rem. mag, and should be a great round. My .270 was an accurate Cooper Custom Classic with knock-out wood, and other upgrades. I just couldn't bring myself to rough it up hunting, and while it was shooting good out past 600 yards, it was not the right platform to go to 1K+. I am replacing it with a purpose built long range rifle and going with a proven and conventional long range round. If I wanted more than what the 7 Remmy will do, I would upgrade to one of the .338's.
I still have that box of 165 gr. Matrix VLD's. I paid $68 shipped. Make me a reasonable offer and their yours.

That I understand, I would treat it like my first born :D Perty much what I think, I go from 270 WSM to 388 RUM now, everything in between just is not enough step up.
after seeing this I want to order some for me Tikka T3 270win is a 22inc barrel long enough for the 165gr? I use the 150gr Berger VLDs and there grate getting them to 2824FPS with 52gr of ar2209.
after seeing this I want to order some for me Tikka T3 270win is a 22inc barrel long enough for the 165gr? I use the 150gr Berger VLDs and there grate getting them to 2824FPS with 52gr of ar2209.

Your barrel is a bit short to use the slow burn rate powders required to effectively shoot heavier than 150 grain bullets. The barrel twist also comes into play with heavy VLD bullets. I have a .250 throated 29 inch heavy target barrel.

These are home moly coated 150 and 169.5 grain vld's


Yep slow powders work well. Using a stiff load of Retumbo now. 60.7 grains. About 2890 fps.
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