VLD in .270 win.

How much powder in your modified load? You load seems pretty moderate?

If you change to Winchester brass you'll most probably be able to load to a bit higher velocity before getting into case extraction symptoms. Remmy brass is heavier and softer than W-W, usually. Thus less case capacity.

Either version of 4350 is a good fit for the 270 Win. RL-22 is better except for temperature sensitivity which however can be managed.

Post your chono results. I bet you aren't as fast as you think you are.
it was the same powder charge just a different seating depth i set it farther in than befor thats all
150 VLD, 215 match primer, WW brass, 51 IMR 4350


4350 is not a bad powder choice for the 270, and will produce a good working load, but 4831 is a little better fit. I would stick with the H 4831 SC version if an accurate load can be worked up in a particular rifle.


Yep! 59gr. of 4831sc will get you over 3050fps even with a 22"bbl. I haven't tried the Berger but I'm going to pick some up. I've been shooting 140gr. Hornady BTSP. They group under an inch from my 22"bbl mod. 70
im going to e trying a barns tsx 130 grain bullets in it next im buying some tomoro ut i will always buy berger vld's because I SHOOT BERGER I SHOOT BETTER . is the motto

In 2 separate custom rifles my 130 TSX load powders were Re19 and H4350. I care less about the velocity and more about the accuracy as I'm not as likely to take a long poke with this combo anyway. I have other rifles I use for longer range stuff. I'd shoot the TSX inside of 600 yards.

I recall the Re19 charge of 57.0 grains if that sounds right, and the H4350 was about 55.0 grains. Really good groups at 200 yards..roughly an inch to barely over. I also use the 110 TSX in the rifle that preferred the H4350. Killed TX pronghorn and a few deer with it. Worked just fine.
I tried the berger 140s in my Savage 110. They did OK.... Not as well as the 130 grain Nosler Ballistics or the 130 grain Hornady SST. I thought I could speed em up and make my groups tighten up, but that wasent the case. From 55 grains of 4831SC up to 59, the best group I shot was about 1.5 inches at 100 yards. It'll drive the 130s in @ under an inch on a regular basis. gun)
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