165 gr VLD in .270 Winchester?

What kind of velocity do you think I can get out of a 22 inch barrel ? This looks very interesting. thanks in advance.
Let me know how they work. I am going to re-barrel my 270wsm this winter and would like to play around with differnt loads. now i am loading nos. ballistics 140gr. on top of rl-19 and getting 3098 w/59 grains.
Back when wild cat made the 169.5 gr. 277 vld I used MLR primers r-22 and 7828 ssc for my testing. The top speed out my my 29 inch barrel was 2950's The best accurancy was right at 2900. I never bought h-1000 or r-25 I suspect that I could have got a little more speed in my long barrel. Wild cat folded and I never got any more 169's

I predominantly just use 150 spbt's right at 3080 fps for big game

My varminting .277 is the 115 hpbt shot with h4350 right at 3400 fps It is a good round I buy them bulk of 500 from Midway. I go through 100's a day Prairie Dog hunting
So I made it out to shoot some load today. I went with RL-17 on the 165 gn matrix bullets seated to my mag length.
I found a sweat velocity and ok accuracy to start testing loads on.
my nod was:
51.0gn velocity avg 2859 fps and SD of 15
51.5gn velocity avg 2889 fps and Sd of 21
These were three shots groups were right at 1" not go good but looks good for velocity. I will be testing some loads around this charge and see if a can get the SD and group down.

Also this is out of a pac nor 1-10" 26" barrel.
Those are some good looking numbers, never thought of R17 but I have seen in do some near miracles in some cartridges lightbulb
So I made it out to shoot some load today. I went with RL-17 on the 165 gn matrix bullets seated to my mag length.
I found a sweat velocity and ok accuracy to start testing loads on.
my nod was:
51.0gn velocity avg 2859 fps and SD of 15
51.5gn velocity avg 2889 fps and Sd of 21
These were three shots groups were right at 1" not go good but looks good for velocity. I will be testing some loads around this charge and see if a can get the SD and group down.

Also this is out of a pac nor 1-10" 26" barrel.

R-17 is really fast powder try imr 7828, h-1000 r-25
I realize that rl-17 is fast for heavy bullets but after looking on Alliant power reloading data rl-17 was giving the best velocity for 150gn bullets. Seeing the data compared to the data earlier in the forum. I am getting real good velocity with little powder. Also I tryed H4831 and got early pressure signs around 52 gn, the velocity was only 2700 fps. I am going to so some load developement today so see what I can get for SD and grouping.
I did some more reloading today with rl-22 got some great results. The velocity was down but the grouping and es were great. I found a node at 53gn with CCI 250 mag primes. The average velocity was 2760fps and two groups when .35 and .4 inches. The extreme spread was 15fps. This load with give me 1100 foot lbs of energy at a 1000yds at 4200 feet elevation.
Hope this helps. Looking forward to seeing others results.
I realize that rl-17 is fast for heavy bullets but after looking on Alliant power reloading data rl-17 was giving the best velocity for 150gn bullets. Seeing the data compared to the data earlier in the forum. I am getting real good velocity with little powder. Also I tryed H4831 and got early pressure signs around 52 gn, the velocity was only 2700 fps. I am going to so some load developement today so see what I can get for SD and grouping.

Reloading data is iffy at best. You realy need 26-29 inch barrels to shoot these heavy bullets
let us know if you find the ballistic co-efficient to be as stated. I saw a forum post somewhere else that led me to believe they were not. They were below a Berger VLD in the post I read..
Ya I will post long range results when I get a chance. I will need to buy some more here soon. Used alot just getting the right powder primer combo. I dont see the bc being below the Berger because they are longer and still the vld profile, we will see. Also these velocities are in a 26" barrel and the bullets are set on the riflings. They don't fit the mag but they shoot great and I will be using the 150 sst for shorter range in the mag.
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