#1 best tip for new shooters trying to get into the long range game!

Plus one for the PCP Air Rifle for practice and Competition! Living in Northern Arizona we get a lot of wind variables. The Field Target competitions offer a lot of different shooting positions and are cheap to enter. You use all the same equipment that you use for long range center fire.
I practice with 22's at 100 yards that mimic my full-size rifle at $10 for 100 rounds vs $100 for 100. Trigger control and squeeze, breath control, settling the scope on target and keeping it there with as little tensions possible, etc., etc,, learning to read the wind and all the basics as others have outlined. It does translate directly to more long range accuracy. Good luck and have fun!
I practice with 22's at 100 yards that mimic my full-size rifle at $10 for 100 rounds vs $100 for 100. Trigger control and squeeze, breath control, settling the scope on target and keeping it there with as little tensions possible, etc., etc,, learning to read the wind and all the basics as others have outlined. It does translate directly to more long range accuracy. Good luck and have fun!
There are a bunch of here guys competing with .22's @300yds or may be 350. Seems like they told me they are using 40min bases and Eley match on their 50yd bench guns they got tired of. They are getting good playing the wind. I need to go play with them. Great excuse for another rifle I don't need LOL
There are a bunch of here guys competing with .22's @300yds or may be 350. Seems like they told me they are using 40min bases and Eley match on their 50yd bench guns they got tired of. They are getting good playing the wind. I need to go play with them. Great excuse for another rifle I don't need LOL
I'm one of those guys. IMO, one of the best, and most cost effective approaches to shooting skill development....particularly wind call skills. Long range practice at 200-309 yards.
There are a bunch of here guys competing with .22's @300yds or may be 350. Seems like they told me they are using 40min bases and Eley match on their 50yd bench guns they got tired of. They are getting good playing the wind. I need to go play with them. Great excuse for another rifle I don't need LOL
It's a lot of fun, I use eley edge ammo($140 for a brick) so it's cheaper but not bulk ammo cheap lol.
30min base and a 80moa scope gets me out to 400yards, depending where your zero falls.
It's a lot of fun, I use eley edge ammo($140 for a brick) so it's cheaper but not bulk ammo cheap lol.
30min base and a 80moa scope gets me out to 400yards, depending where your zero falls.
Yes, they are having a ball and keep asking me to come play with them. Might just have to bite the bullet and join in.
I shoot 22 out to about 300 and have went to 400 using all adjustment and all reticle holdover so I am done at 400. Running tbac takedown 22 can and gemtech subs. When sun is at your back can litterally watch bullets in transit to target.
Headed out this weekend going to take a few rifles but going to use of the tips from here and try this ol girl out. Don't got but 20 rounds so hopefully figure it out quick.
If you figure that one out, let us know. I see it often running the line at the 1k BR matches in Missoula. Everyone is sighted in well, then we change targets which takes about 20 seconds. Meanwhile a cloud comes by and everyones groups are a minute high. A 1 moa change can happen at 1k in seconds.

"sun up, bullet up" now has a whole new meaning with those clouds.
Yes, many of the local competitors have kills well beyond 1k. Some pushing 2k. I live near the old Lawton place and cheytacs were very popular here. But the more experiance you gain the more you come to the conclusion theres so many variables at those ranges to take into account and many of us have pulled back our max distances a bit. Not because the guns cant do it but because we know we cant calculate all of the data, especially the conditions you cant even see. The only ones that think its easy dont have a lot of experience. I figure I have close to 20k rounds fired at 1k and beyond, and I still miss. When I shoot an animal I want the shot where I want it, not just a hit.
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