You never know, look close !

Another example of why I recommend barrel condoms during any type of inclement weather conditions. Minor icing inside a barrel can be hard to spot with the unaided eye.

Our rifles have the muzzle taped at all times!

We each keep a partial roll of electrical tape in our day packs. When/if shots are fired…..the tape is replaced at the earliest convenient time.

Electrical tape can be used for a multitude of things in the field……from taping the muzzle, to minor temporary repairs, to first aid!

IMO….an indispensable item to carry! memtb
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You shoot through the electrical tape?

And WOW what a lucky guy!!!!!

Yes…..and Yes!
The tape affects "nothing" …… except keeping unwanted "stuff" out of the muzzle! The tape is gone before the bullet arrives at the muzzle!

You only place one layer across the muzzle……I guess if you layered it thick enough, it could be detrimental! memtb
Yes…..and Yes!
The tape affects "nothing" …… except keeping unwanted "stuff" out of the muzzle! The tape is gone before the bullet arrives at the muzzle!

You only place one layer across the muzzle……I guess if you layered it thick enough, it could be detrimental! memtb
Now that I would like to see in slow mo. I'll bet it balloons then pops in a micro second.
Now that I would like to see in slow mo. I'll bet it balloons then pops in a micro second.

I'm guess'n, that if it's cold…..good tape "balloons", the cheap just just bursts. But, that's just a guess!

We only use Scotch Super 33+……very pliable in cold conditions and has very good adhesion! memtb
That Browning looks identical to a hunting partner of mine. Very similar circumstances. His fell off the tail gate of the truck. He checked it for obstructions and was worried his scope got knocked out. Set a target in a tree and fired a shot. His gun split exactly the same as this one. And yes the forend split in his hand. Luckily that's all that happened. Very lucky not to get seriously hurt. His hand tingled for about a day and a half. He still has the rifle sitting in a corner of his house.
There are videos on YouTube that shows electrical taped wrapped completely around a muzzle brake, also (one layer). I've been taping my muzzle since, well, since a long time ago. No issues, it "pops" with the displacement of the air in the barrel before the bullet gets to it. I feel like I read about taping a rifle muzzle back in the '80s from Shooting Times magazine.
That stinks man but glad he's okay. Especially if it's a rifle that had sentimental value for him. Seeing things like that always remind me of the incredible pressures they generate.
I keep a bore snake, a scrap of T-shirt and a little tube of oil in a ziplock as a field expedient cleaning kit on me just in case.
But, on the bright side, now he's got a good excuse for a rebarrel and a new stock!