Colorado wolves being relocated.

Did you kill all the yotes already? You should of held off on the wolves a little while and let more come down West side before shooting ! 😆
They have all been slim pickings, I did wack a yote last week but he was close and stupid only about 350 yds. He just stood there and watched me stop the truck and get out. He was really kinda asking to be shot.
When they "reintroduced" them into the Yellowstone eco system, the elk population fluctuated between 17,000 to 20,000 yearly with several thousand cow permits given out each year. Less than 20 years later, elk numbers are down to less than 1,000 with no cow permits available. I have reintroduced in quotes because what they brought in was not the Grey wolf that hunted mostly small game with an occasional deer thrown in and weighed maybe 80 pounds but the Canadian Timberwolf which can weigh over 200 pounds and is a killing machine. Where I live in nw Montana, with 2 large wolf packs roaming, the elk harvest has been falling every year for the last 7 years. I used to think that it was done by some misguided libtards who wanted to be able to see and photograph wolves in the wild. Lately, I've had an epiphany. I now believe that it was done as part of a larger plan to control our food supply.
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I just don't understand. The Old Timers a hundred or so years got rid of those Wolves because they were No good for anything. Now people that live in the city put there will on the very people feeding them. With no regard of what the Rancher or the Farmers have to go through on a regular basis without Wolves. With 99% of the city people will never see one in the Wild. I have to wonder how they would feel if the Wolves ate there pet Dog, Cats or possibly there Children. Do you think they would have the same attitude? We have become a Country that wants to push our narrow minded agenda upon someone else. No matter what the Cost! As long as we don't have to Deal with the consequences Ourselves!
Wyoming is the only one close to objectiveView attachment 599500
Interesting data. Thank you for sharing.

In terms of data / numbers, to think that about 3 bricks of primers is the scope of the problem (just in terms of numbers of course). Heck, if someone bought a case there would be enough left over for a celebratory shoot at the after party 🤔.
When they "reintroduced" them into the Yellowstone eco system, the elk population fluctuated between 17,000 to 20,000 yearly with several thousand cow permits given out each year. Less than 20 years later, elk numbers are down to less than 1,000 with no cow permits available. I have reintroduced in quotes because what they brought in was not the Grey wolf that hunted mostly small game with an occasional deer thrown in and weighed maybe 80 pounds but the Canadian Timberwolf which can weigh over 200 pounds and is a killing machine. Where I live in nw Montana, with 2 large wolf packs roaming, the elk harvest has been falling every year for the last 7 years. I used to think that it was done by some misguided libtards who wanted to be able to see and photograph wolves in the wild. Lately, I've had an epiphany. I now believe that it was done as part of a larger plan to control our food supply.
That is exactly what I believe as well with the farmland being bought up by billionaires and giant corporations this is just a way to control the population.
I just don't understand. The Old Timers a hundred or so years got rid of those Wolves because they were No good for anything. Now people that live in the city put there will on the very people feeding them. With no regard of what the Rancher or the Farmers have to go through on a regular basis without Wolves. With 99% of the city people will never see one in the Wild. I have to wonder how they would feel if the Wolves ate there pet Dog, Cats or possibly there Children. Do you think they would have the same attitude? We have become a Country that wants to push our narrow minded agenda upon someone else. No matter what the Cost! As long as we don't have to Deal with the consequences Ourselves!
Well put and absolutely true
When they "reintroduced" them into the Yellowstone eco system, the elk population fluctuated between 17,000 to 20,000 yearly with several thousand cow permits given out each year. Less than 20 years later, elk numbers are down to less than 1,000 with no cow permits available. I have reintroduced in quotes because what they brought in was not the Grey wolf that hunted mostly small game with an occasional deer thrown in and weighed maybe 80 pounds but the Canadian Timberwolf which can weigh over 200 pounds and is a killing machine. Where I live in nw Montana, with 2 large wolf packs roaming, the elk harvest has been falling every year for the last 7 years. I used to think that it was done by some misguided libtards who wanted to be able to see and photograph wolves in the wild. Lately, I've had an epiphany. I now believe that it was done as part of a larger plan to control our food supply.
Gubment at it's finest! They did the same thing to the "native Americans". Now we are the native Americans!!!!!!!!!. Talk about slavery!!! When someone other than you has control of your food supply guess who's a slave?????
The wolves release came shortly after the CPW reduced the 2nd rifle season and since decided to eliminate OTC elk archery tags (beginning 2025) due to the significant winter kill in 2022/23. "To protect the ecosystem" is the BS they tell themselves while, as others have stated, the true CO residents deal with the reality of these peoples ignorance.
With that said, I am about to put the last of my gear in the truck and heading for CO to hunt some elk... later fellas!
I'm not sure on the time lines of all this but I would bet that 90% of our CPW didn't want the wolves any more than the local ranchers. They got saddled with this problem regardless because of the voting. Can you imagine what they are dealing with.

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