Idaho Investigating Technology Limitations for Rifles

I don't have a problem with gated roads, I rather like them. The animals need a break somehow. The problem here in the panhandle of Idaho is that all the machine users go around all of them illegally for hunting.
I am not at all anti machine I own a side by side and I have been on a dirt bike since I was four years old and raced cross-country for years bikes are my other pasion. However, I use them were and when legal as we have plenty of designated roads and trail open for each. Most of the illegal use is for hunting and is a big problem up here.


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I don't have a problem with gated roads, I rather like them. The animals need a break somehow. The problem here in the panhandle of Idaho is that all the machine users go around all of them illegally for hunting.
I am not at all anti machine I own a side by side and I have been on a dirt bike since I was four years old and raced cross-country for years bikes are my other pasion. However, I use them were and when legal as we have plenty of designated roads and trail open for each. Most of the illegal use is for hunting and is a big problem up here.
Yeah the problem is people and LE not addressing the issues. Gated roads are good the game for sure. North seems to bring in a type of person who thinks there are no rules, no laws, and no ethics that pertain to them. I've never understood that back woods mentality on the level some take it. In the south people make their own trails, hill climb everything, and the hp side by sides are dirt road rally cars now. Some scary sheet goes on with these folks. I have a friend in FG who patrols my main wolf area. He is sick of people too.

Dirtbikes are not as big of an issue for hunting it seems. Most people can't ride them well enough in normal gear let alone a pack, hunting gear, and a rifle. Add in a little snow, cold, dark...... they be done.

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The 375 Rum is still a bottle neck cartridge,[not allowed]. They also have a length restriction on the case, if I remember correctly. Around .850-1.8".
I have copies of the rifle regulations for hunting deer in Iowa. The new regulations about bottle neck cartridges states that all "legal " cartridges must be .350 or larger. But not larger than.500 . I'll post a picture. Perhaps you have a 378 weatherby or 458 win mag you want to use? Tribb


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So I'm not for it. But understand this doing nothing probably allows them to move forward. So get involved if you like. I did. But just be aware that though they might sound reasonable I wouldn't give them an inch. I'd lean towards them enforcing existing laws, or increasing penalties of existing laws. If they cannot enforce existing laws then no new law will help.
Amen to that last statement brother!!!! They can't / don't enforce laws already on the books now! Tribb
Powers that be always only want to stay in power and more power.

Of which there was no evidence to support. More game lost from hunting game in thick timber.

The rule was a maximum weight of 16 lbs. This was intended to make the .50's un-shootable.

I have a rifle 16 lbs 4 oz, (not that I hunt with it). This also did not stop LRH.

Biology should be the determining criteria, not PC speech/or an imposed value system.
The real question is why is this even a topic of conversation? Are harvest numbers going up to the point that game animal populations are decreasing due to hunter success? No. Anywhere numbers have diminished has been because of reintroduction and poor control of apex predators, human encroachment and land development, and disease. Furthermore, why sell tags, which give people permission to hunt and harvest an animal, and not expect 100% of them to put in their best effort to try?
Very well said, 100% hit the nail on the head. Thank you sir. Tribb
At a basic level, "hunting" is to harvest meat for sustenance of human life. Food to live.

"The State", i.e. the Game and Fish Departments, sell "wildlife tags" to allow harvest of animals, by various means, such as muzzleloader/archery/firearm, for sustenance.

There are "harvest quotas" set by Game and Fish biologists to allow for sustainable populations so the game and fish agencies can continue to make MONEY to operate and PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES yearly. These quotas are enforced by wardens.

Game warden associations have aspirational agendas regarding "fair chase" which is subject to interpretation by the public and the warden associations. Said interpretations can be polar opposites as evidenced by my experience in 2013 when Wyoming updated an antiquated anti-silencer law, which since 2013 allows the use of silencers/suppressors for harvest of animals statewide.

If "fair chase" from the wardens view requires allowing animals the opportunity to escape, then why are firearms, which fire projectiles faster than the speed of sound and result in an animal being struck by a bullet at great distance BEFORE THE SOUND OF THE MUZZLE REPORT arrives at the animal allowed; and why are bow hunters not required to yell "bang" before they release an arrow?

Technology advances. Look at "primitive firearms" and the old flintlocks/cap locks vs modern scoped muzzle loaders are looked upon as "unfair" by many folks in game and fish departments.

During gun season in many states, hunters can use open sights, scopes, suppressors; OR a muzzle loader or an open sighted or scoped handgun in many states

In archery season, the archer can choose a long bow, recurve, compound or crossbow.

Why are muzzle loaders being subjected to scrutiny?

IF acquiring meat for sustenance is the goal of hunting, what difference does the method of acquiring said meat matter?

One pays for the "tag" to harvest one of the "States" animal.
One can "take" three deer a year using different methods?
Why not three using the same method?

We get tied up in the method and lose sight of the purpose.

Good luck, Idaho.

Fight, Fight, Fight.
Well said
I despise the 6.5 CM, because of it's cult following, but that's funny as heck! 👍 memtb
In my eyes, it is a cartridge developed for the mere purpose of selling more by a particular company. In my eyes, they are a few more such cartridges, and for this purpose, I have no use for them. I prefer more classic cartridges. My only "modern cartdridge" is the 300AAC I acquired during Obama years for fun. Every other one was developed in the previrous century.

Back to the main topic. I always defer the the residents of a state to decide what regulations they like or don't. At the same time, we should all remain vigilant withing our own state, to make sure our rights/freedoms are respected and ensured.
Yep previous century for me! Got a 25/06 and a .264 win mag in the works now. Tribb
A whole other issue but contributing to the decline in population of game animals. Massive issue for the Idahoans for sure. I am about to the point of not hunting big game anymore, just wolves. In fact, that is my plan this year to a large degree. I love bow hunting in September but I am going to camera hunt this year and pack my rifle. I missed 5 wolves this past winter and I am sick about it. I have new barrel and I am dialing in my rifle now. Should be ready to hit the hills soon.
good for you wish I could help you kill them !