Large rifle primer availability?

I have been looking for months. Placed my email to be notified with a number of large sites and not a peep. There is great availability of small rifle and pistol primers but no large rifle anywhere. Anyone have knowledge of what is going on? with the buy out of Federal I wonder what the future holds for availability and quality going forward.
CCI 200 at BPS
Just got a Lee bench primer tool and this is in the set up info:
Heads up on any tube type primer system. Be aware of potential primer tube chain detonation. I have same RCBS for 35+ years and now just use it as single primer seating tool.

Safety glasses absolute must in reloading.

Muddy, I had a primer detonation on a Mec 9000 410 Reloader and it will certainly get your attention. A piece of shot somehow went under the primer and when I pulled the handle it set off the primer. I run a manual press pretty vigorously. I wear eye protection religiously which isn't hard because I have to wear glasses anyway. But I try to keep my eyes and face to the side of the case when priming. If it fires, the case channels the explosion upwards so it's a bad idea to have your face above the case.
When the primer detonated on the 9000 fire went up through the primer seating tube. Which also happens to be the powder drop tube. The powder in the tube flashed but luckily the charge bar cuts off the access to the powder reservoir.
Heads up on any tube type primer system. Be aware of potential primer tube chain detonation. I have same RCBS for 35+ years and now just use it as single primer seating tool.

Safety glasses absolute must in reloading.

I bought the priming ram attachment for my RCBS. I really like it, and I put one primer at a time on the tool by hand. Not as efficient as some for the "modern" state of the art ones, but price was right.
Muddy, I had a primer detonation on a Mec 9000 410 Reloader and it will certainly get your attention. A piece of shot somehow went under the primer and when I pulled the handle it set off the primer. I run a manual press pretty vigorously. I wear eye protection religiously which isn't hard because I have to wear glasses anyway. But I try to keep my eyes and face to the side of the case when priming. If it fires, the case channels the explosion upwards so it's a bad idea to have your face above the case.
When the primer detonated on the 9000 fire went up through the primer seating tube. Which also happens to be the powder drop tube. The powder in the tube flashed but luckily the charge bar cuts off the access to the powder reservoir.
So now "Depends" part of safety equipment?

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